shutthef_up It's not the language, it's the accent. It's all wrong, apparently
abyssinia4077: oh, yes, very very wrong
holdouttrout: uh oh
shutthef_up: I wouldn't know. I know no German at all
surreallis: I keep expecting him to say "Gooooooooold!"
shutthef_up: Heee!
pepper_field: I don't speak German, and it sounded bad to me.
pepper_field: Just... not like any German person I'd ever heard.
beanpot: i lived in Germany - it was horrid
holdouttrout: It's like a...French-Russian-German hybrid accent.
abyssinia4077: just comparing to every other German accent you hear on any tv show or movie it's just wrong
surreallis: his russian was hilarious too, but not for the same reason
abyssinia4077: nyet!
pepper_field: Hee
whimsicalwhims: The only German I know is "I don't speak German" and "You are late."
shutthef_up: Like one of the Gabor sisters maybe?
zats_clear: yeah! bean, i was gonna ask if you were coming!
abyssinia4077: they're hungarian
zats_clear: he was given the German words by a Hungarian woman
holdouttrout: oh, dear
abyssinia4077: weird
shutthef_up: Yes, and so was the language coach. I just read it the other day
beanpot: i didn't think I was going to make it - I was visiting potential puppies
rigel_7: oh yay finally (sorry the DVD just loaded)
holdouttrout: oh!
abyssinia4077: I mean, you'd think they could find, oh, heck, a high school German teacher who could do better with him
pepper_field: One minute to go... (ooh, puppies!)...
shutthef_up: Yay for pups!
shutthef_up: One would think, Abyss
surreallis: He should have just watched Hogan's Heroes.
shutthef_up: LOL
pepper_field: Thirty secs
beanpot: lol
beanpot: I know nothing
pepper_field: ...15....
pepper_field: ...And...
pepper_field: ....GO!
surreallis: yippee!
rigel_7: EEEE
pepper_field: Rawr
shutthef_up: Yay!
zats_clear: ok now this is an adorable little exchange
holdouttrout: "Music of Bored Teammates"
abyssinia4077: (I was watching Death Knell earlier. floppy-haired Daniel looks odd)
shutthef_up: Daniel's hair is so pretty!
surreallis: she'll explain it all to them later on... when they're all in bed
pepper_field: Daniel, for once, wasn't listening to Sam either.
zats_clear: it really is in this ep
abyssinia4077: Daniel doesnt' listen to the science either!
zats_clear: pretty hair
shutthef_up: Crap... my dvd is having probs
zats_clear: daniel is giving jack with you are kidding look
holdouttrout: aw, damn, courser.
pepper_field: (Slashy look)
abyssinia4077: I love Daniel looking at JAck during "we know that"
zats_clear: Pepper, are you pointing it out LOL
surreallis: it's a valentine
abyssinia4077: the note! like your mom putting a note in your lunch box when you're a kid
zats_clear: it lacked the slash angle to sad
holdouttrout: yes. I see the teamy OT4
zats_clear: ok, random guy patting sam on the back
zats_clear: that would just piss me off
pepper_field: I find it very hard to believe that Hammond twigged in time that this was the correct hand injury.
pepper_field: But maybe that's just me.
zats_clear: thank you teal'c for crossing over to the other side so we can catch daniel's six
abyssinia4077: well, how often does her hand get injured jsut that way?
surreallis: Hammond is all powerful
holdouttrout: well, Hammond is a genius
pepper_field: And I think they should come out the other side of the Gate.
rigel_7: uh oh
abyssinia4077: plus soon Daniel will get a haircut and then things won't be right. has to be now
holdouttrout: the time travel part of this ep really, really bugs me.
zats_clear: sam's hand? i am assuming motorcycle mnx
abyssinia4077: ROCKET!
pepper_field: Like, next to the back wall
holdouttrout: but the episode itself I love!
zats_clear: i have actually been on the underside of one of these
zats_clear: really
pepper_field: Eek
abyssinia4077: (isn't Jack damaged too though - I figured they had a rough mission)
whimsicalwhims: run!!!
surreallis: T is all 'stupid humans' in this ep.
abyssinia4077: I've been on the backend too, but only laying on its side
abyssinia4077: I love T here!
shutthef_up: Damn... my DVD has some kind of perma-schmutz on it.
abyssinia4077: so calm!
zats_clear: jack has the eyebrow cut
zats_clear: huddle against the wall
pepper_field: Would you say they're recognisable from that angle?
zats_clear: go teal'c
zats_clear: oh yes
surreallis: haaa!
abyssinia4077: Teal'c WINS
holdouttrout: they don't want to see their deaths
zats_clear: you can definately tell the butt end of a titan rocket
surreallis: Why didn't Sam think of that?
rigel_7: see I woould have fired 3 times - disappeared that rocket
pepper_field: Ah. Well, I couldn't...
shutthef_up: Okay, I've just skipped ahead... tell me when the guy lites the cig
pepper_field: Heh!
holdouttrout: hah!
rigel_7: title sequence!
abyssinia4077: *sings* star-gate
holdouttrout: "Stargaaaaate"
pepper_field: I can't sing this, it scans so horribly. :-)
holdouttrout: *toes tap*
zats_clear: my son, the musical one, pointed out that there are similarities between SG and SW theme songs
abyssinia4077: I can never remember what the title music sounds like unless I'm actively listenign to it
shutthef_up: I guess I'll just have to buy a new DVD set
pepper_field: They just rip off everything, don't they?
zats_clear: my 5 yr old sings it
surreallis: really? Wow
holdouttrout: I sing it to annoy my roommates.
abyssinia4077: Teal'c won't put his hands on his head
holdouttrout: It's a lot of fun.
surreallis: young, hot Hammond coming up!
shutthef_up: I've heard a few SW passages here and there
zats_clear: oh gawd, I KNOW
pepper_field: He looks so much like Hammond.
whimsicalwhims: he really does
pepper_field: (Aside, of course, from the eye colour)
zats_clear: and great matching body language
abyssinia4077: yeah, they cast him REALLY well
zats_clear: like the young jack
rigel_7: man I love the old military uniforms
rigel_7: *swoons*
pepper_field: I love how quickly Sam works this out.
zats_clear: and jack dogs her
holdouttrout: well, from pictures, the uniforms.
abyssinia4077: I love this whole conversation! Daniel is all excited to go WATCH history and Teal'c is all excited to change it
shutthef_up: Where are we?
abyssinia4077: conversation about going back in time
whimsicalwhims: hee, love Daniel's logic
zats_clear: they are locked up
shutthef_up: Okay, thanks
zats_clear: daniel will be the nut who says neet
zats_clear: nyet
surreallis: she has to explain it EVERY single time
holdouttrout: lol
abyssinia4077: Sam obviously knows sci-fi :)
holdouttrout: boys
pepper_field: Surely EVERYONE knows about the grandfather paradox?
holdouttrout: they always want to change history
pepper_field: Or is that just us scifi geeks...?
rigel_7: and then they go back 10 thousand years on purpose...
surreallis: she needs to make them cheat sheets to carry in their pockets
abyssinia4077: nope, Daniel just wants to watch history. Teal'c is all about changing
abyssinia4077: she does!
shutthef_up: LOL!
beanpot: i read about it once in a romance novel so yes - everyone should know about it
shutthef_up: Really?
zats_clear: yeah, teal'c larval goa'uld would be one heck of a tape worm
pepper_field: Hee
holdouttrout: how do they still have their patches?
pepper_field: D'oh!
pepper_field: Daniel....
abyssinia4077: stick your patches in your pocket and they won't find them
holdouttrout: heh
surreallis: ha! Nope!
abyssinia4077: oh, Daniel, I love your Nyet SO MUCH
zats_clear: watch him when jack walks out
shutthef_up: Uh, yeah... no one will ever search th em
surreallis: haa!
whimsicalwhims: I wonder if they have the room bugged?
zats_clear: leans against the top bunk
abyssinia4077: how long it takes him to realize
zats_clear: jack will so spank him later
zats_clear: oops
whimsicalwhims: ha!
zats_clear: did i say that out loud?
rigel_7: zippo man
zats_clear: smoking guy alert!
holdouttrout: bwa!
shutthef_up: I think I'm there now
shutthef_up: Major Robert Thorne
rigel_7: LOL at Jack's cough
abyssinia4077: KIRK!
pepper_field: Hah, Captain James T. Kirk!
shutthef_up: LOL! James T. Kirk!
whimsicalwhims: snerk
holdouttrout: I LOVE his geekyness coming through.
pepper_field: He is a geek, really
zats_clear: sadly, if this major watched Star Trek, he would know
surreallis: He wants to be Kirk so bad
shutthef_up: TV guy!
zats_clear: ST was 1966
zats_clear: is a geek
abyssinia4077: and yet how did he not know the grandfather paradox?
holdouttrout: Not any more of a geek than I am.
zats_clear: he does it just to wind Sam up
beanpot: he skipped that episode - no hot chicks
pepper_field: "No, just difficult to pronounce"
pepper_field: *loves*
abyssinia4077: there's a rule I think against Kirk being in an episode without hot chicks
shutthef_up: Lots of great lines in this ep!
zats_clear: no kidding
rigel_7: here it comes!
pepper_field: Jack's just really having fun here.
holdouttrout: I don't remember any hot chicks in the alien rug episode of TOS.
rigel_7: Skywalker, Luke Skywalker
shutthef_up: Hee!
shutthef_up: I *adored* that line!
abyssinia4077: Jack is such a smartass
shutthef_up: Jack saying it so serious
surreallis: He SO should have gone Han Solo
whimsicalwhims: Oh, Jack.
holdouttrout: so good.
abyssinia4077: non!Walter and Hammond
zats_clear: but then Daniel would not have had that Han Solo line in Pegasuss
zats_clear: Peg Unbound
shutthef_up: My poor DVD
abyssinia4077: Hans Olo you mean
pepper_field: Daniel should have claimed to be Luke Skywalker.
surreallis: they didn't have the right roles. Daniel is SO Luke
shutthef_up: That really cracked me up
shutthef_up: I agree. Daniel is Luke
holdouttrout: Yeah.
abyssinia4077: yep. pissy. orphan.
zats_clear: Luke and Frodo
zats_clear: Where there's a will there's an or
zats_clear: love thrat
abyssinia4077: where there's a will there's an or :)
abyssinia4077: so lucky that tire randomly blew
holdouttrout: I think Hammond did it.
pepper_field: Yes...
zats_clear: hammond arranged that
shutthef_up: Damn... I'm going to have to buy new DVDs when I ca
zats_clear: sorry sweets
abyssinia4077: true washing it gently with dish soap
zats_clear: they are showing up at used bookstores
shutthef_up: Crafty even in his youth!
zats_clear: try there
holdouttrout: not in a circular motion
rigel_7: polish it with a silk cloth
shutthef_up: No, this is like burned into the surface
whimsicalwhims: Sam looks so freaked.
abyssinia4077: or a clean t-shirt
surreallis: there's probably plenty on ebay since the big collection came out
abyssinia4077: Hammond is so very confused
shutthef_up: Meh, I'm not all that worried... I'll find something.
zats_clear: but cute
shutthef_up: Might just wait until I'm employed again
abyssinia4077: they've been on sale for $16 every few weeks
whimsicalwhims: (Costco had the sets for under 20 a couple of months ago)
holdouttrout: really?
shutthef_up: Exactly, Abyss
holdouttrout: I've only seen them $20 or higher
beanpot: wait what? $16?
abyssinia4077: WalMart and Target both have 'em regular price for $19
holdouttrout: sweet
rigel_7: I love how he mimics hammond's accent so well
zats_clear: and speech cadence
abyssinia4077: I love how they think knowing the moon landing will prove they know things
shutthef_up: I'll check before next week's viewing.
pepper_field: Bless
shutthef_up: That part of the disc anyway
pepper_field: Jack knows stuff about Hammond
abyssinia4077: so do you guys think this is before or after Hammond went to Vietnam?
zats_clear: and then Sam - It's Capt
zats_clear: Lt
pepper_field: Sam's kind of enjoying Hammond being her subordinate
holdouttrout: I love that look!
surreallis: haaa!
shutthef_up: Hmmm, off the top of my head, I'd say before Vietnam. But hard to tell
holdouttrout: Teal'c explains things so well
abyssinia4077: oh, Teal'c, you understand this world so much better than your teammates
zats_clear: it's all tv
zats_clear: he gets it all from tv
shutthef_up: Heh
abyssinia4077: which he watches more than they do probably
surreallis: perfect timing!
zats_clear: worked so well for darryl hannah in Splash
shutthef_up: It's not like Teal'c has a lot else he can do
zats_clear: i know, they have him locked down on base all the time
zats_clear: poor guy
abyssinia4077: giant truck for one crate
shutthef_up: I know
rigel_7: 2 crates
holdouttrout: I love how zats magically do whatever they need them to do.
abyssinia4077: ray gun!
shutthef_up: lock pick!
pepper_field: Well, maybe they don't have any smaller trucks...
zats_clear: there was a fic...where they did not escape
zats_clear: that was sooooo good and sooo sad
shutthef_up: Gas wasn't a problem then
abyssinia4077: Redbyrd's?
shutthef_up: Oh, I read that... it really was very sad.
zats_clear: and yes, I can magically make all kinds of thing s happen LOL
pepper_field: If the zat disappears the box, how come it doesn't disappear bits of floor, etc?
abyssinia4077: Jack just steals his money
shutthef_up: Yeah, I think it was, Abyss
surreallis: poor george! He can see his court-martial ahead
abyssinia4077: JAck gets to shoot Hammond!
holdouttrout: you're just good like that, zats. ;-)
shutthef_up: God, I love Daniel's hair. It's obscene
abyssinia4077: Daniel looks so overwhelmed
zats_clear: finger licking good, courser?
zats_clear: daniel is srsly snarking at jack
zats_clear: fabulous plan
abyssinia4077: Antarctica!
pepper_field: I like Jack's plan.
surreallis: they look like The Man
rigel_7: lol something is going to happen
shutthef_up: They do!
rigel_7: old Jack is old
abyssinia4077: oh, Daniel, you state the obvious and it doesnt' help
zats_clear: exposition
whimsicalwhims: I do think the note could have been a little more specific.
surreallis: T doesn't have many lines
zats_clear: ok. this is one of my favorite scenes
rigel_7: and I LOVE that he has Carter sticking out her thumb
zats_clear: t's face
pepper_field: They're just... talking for the sake of it, here....
pepper_field: :-)
abyssinia4077: oh, Vancouver, you do not look like New Mexico
holdouttrout: nope
shutthef_up: God, no! There are no trees there!
zats_clear: sam should have at least unzipped her coat
abyssinia4077: because in that outfit Carter is SUCH the hot chick to stop cars
holdouttrout: looks like Vancouver to me.
shutthef_up: Certainly no trees like that! I've been on that road!
surreallis: lol! Yeah, she needed to lose the coat
zats_clear: 23 languages, pick on
zats_clear: one
holdouttrout: Teal'c!
zats_clear: teal'c has such great expressions
abyssinia4077: oh, maybe that's why the bad accent! Catherine would never believe Daniel would have such a bad accent
holdouttrout: he looks so mournful
surreallis: T is all 'stupid humans!' again
shutthef_up: Daniel's so cute in the ditch
whimsicalwhims: Teal'c does not look impressed
zats_clear: he is so appalled with them
rigel_7: Michael and Jenny!
abyssinia4077: Teal'c! win!
zats_clear: have another beer courser
abyssinia4077: and of all the vehicles to stop
shutthef_up: Hee!
abyssinia4077: "some big concert"
rigel_7: this episode is just full of win
shutthef_up: Lots of beer!
holdouttrout: they are so cute.
zats_clear: no kiddin
whimsicalwhims: at least it's big enough
shutthef_up: Daniel looks so worried
abyssinia4077: Teal'c has NO CLUE why it's cool to ride up front
abyssinia4077: oh, team
pepper_field: :-)
holdouttrout: far out!
abyssinia4077: "I am not at liberty to reveal my identity"
shutthef_up: Teal'c is so fabulous!
holdouttrout: so much win
pepper_field: *loves Teal'c*
zats_clear: girl hits on daniel
abyssinia4077: and Daniel is flirting already
pepper_field: Oh, they look so out of place.
holdouttrout: this is the fun part of the episode
zats_clear: and that woulld be...Cam's mom
shutthef_up: Yeah, you can all tell this is my 'I love Daniel' serious phases
pepper_field: Aha!
rigel_7: There was definitely orgies in this ep
zats_clear: now she hits on Sam
holdouttrout: oh, my god! Cam's mom!
pepper_field: Bless Jack.
rigel_7: free love and all
shutthef_up: Total orgies....
holdouttrout: *giggles*
abyssinia4077: "cheap clothes place"
shutthef_up: Daniel does Sam on one of their stops - behind an old shed
abyssinia4077: only on one stop?
surreallis: right on!
zats_clear: again...a fic i read, courser
holdouttrout: well, everyone else has to get some, too.
shutthef_up: Hell, a fic I wrote, zats!
zats_clear: the war with canada!
abyssinia4077: CANADA!
shutthef_up: Fabulous liine!
abyssinia4077: *squished Teal'c*
zats_clear: seee! i knew it
whimsicalwhims: hee
surreallis: lol! tell him T took too much acid, guys
holdouttrout: god, I love Canadian scifi and the gratuitous mentions of Canada.
shutthef_up: heh
abyssinia4077: clothing!
pepper_field: Flowers!
abyssinia4077: Teal'c in velvet pants!
surreallis: T is so Jimi
zats_clear: i cannot think of authors attached to stories while drinking a beer an dseeking slash in a totally slashless ep
pepper_field: Why is Jack fixing that truck?
shutthef_up: Well, and that's actually Michael Greenburg's story! He emigrated to Canada during Vietnam!
zats_clear: dnaiel looks distressed
abyssinia4077: because Jack looks hot doing it?
pepper_field: Fair point
zats_clear: see, Sam should have been fixing it
shutthef_up: That's too many words for me, Zat!
surreallis: she wanted Jack to feel useful
abyssinia4077: maybe Sara taught him how to fis cars :)
pepper_field: Heh
rigel_7: your science is whacked Sam
holdouttrout: Sam was busy with Daniel.
rigel_7: *brain breaks*
shutthef_up: Crap... my DVD is toast... I'll just have to follow along on your comments
abyssinia4077: :(
surreallis: Jack's all 'sam in a dress... mmmmm'
holdouttrout: yay! illustrations!
shutthef_up: I know! I had no idea!
pepper_field: Aw
abyssinia4077: I love Sam's skirt
shutthef_up: That's okay. I've watched this ep lots
abyssinia4077: TEalc' is all "I am not listening to your science"
zats_clear: or maybe that is Cam's Aunt...and Cam's mom took in the baby because her sister was such a flighty but sweet young thing
shutthef_up: Heh
whimsicalwhims: Daniel's all "how dare you not let us travel through time before?"
holdouttrout: I'm not listening to her science, either
shutthef_up: Sometimes, science just gets in the way of the fun
surreallis: she's giddy that they've figured it out
rigel_7: wait, Jenny as Cam's mom?
abyssinia4077: alien cover story!
shutthef_up: This science don't love you
zats_clear: yes, rigel
rigel_7: LOL!!!!
rigel_7: okay I need fic of that now
abyssinia4077: I....don't see Jenny as being all that interested in being an Air Force wife and mother somehow
holdouttrout: "Well, there was this orgy..."
shutthef_up: Jack's Cam's Baby-Daddy!
abyssinia4077: *cough*
abyssinia4077: 200!
shutthef_up: That I did *not* write, lol!
abyssinia4077: galaxy far far away!
zats_clear: hence the attractive but limited gene pool
pepper_field: Okay, enuff with the Star Wars references already!
whimsicalwhims: is there actual fic for it?
zats_clear: not Jack....
abyssinia4077: "place called New York" like they don't know
shutthef_up: Not Jack? Then who?
zats_clear: not that i know of whim
zats_clear: Daniel
zats_clear: attractive but limited gene pool
pepper_field: Why does the zat do that, again?
holdouttrout: oh, zats...
abyssinia4077: magic!
abyssinia4077: zats do whatever you want
holdouttrout: magic zats!
zats_clear: *dances*
whimsicalwhims: Zat=sonic screwdriver (yes/no?)
shutthef_up: Oooh... okay, yeah, that works, but I thought they inimated that it was Jack? Not Daniel. Though I think Daniel would be more inclined, personally
abyssinia4077: they're so excited to be helping the aliens
pepper_field: Y
surreallis: haa!Just about!
holdouttrout: it was JAck, yes
rigel_7: I did a crossover cartoon with this ep and Dr Who
zats_clear: courser, they were teasing, but Daniel has no idea that Cam is, er..
holdouttrout: *brain breaks*
whimsicalwhims: ooh, yeah, definite crossover potential
abyssinia4077: Jack gets out the door so fast - like he really has to pee
holdouttrout: he's just excited to use the big telescope
pepper_field: Sam, less of the "Sir", you're supposed to be INCOGNITO here.
abyssinia4077: I love that he gets to be telescope man though
shutthef_up: Oh, I know they were teasing, but... you mean Daniel is Baby-Daddy, but clueless?
zats_clear: it is his hobby
zats_clear: yup
pepper_field: Are observatories usually deserted?
shutthef_up: My DVD skipped to the Stargate scene.... sigh
abyssinia4077: only, really, how does he know how to do all this on thsi scale and ....yeah, where are the employees? zatted?
holdouttrout: Jack's a lot smarter than he lets on
shutthef_up: I found that odd, too. No one at all at the observatory?
abyssinia4077: sometimes they're deserted, but they they are usually locked down and password-protected
abyssinia4077: BAD ACCENT
pepper_field: *flinches, having reached Daniel's accent*
surreallis: goooooooold!
holdouttrout: oh, god
zats_clear: oooohhhh gaaaawwwd
shutthef_up: I miss it! Waaaah!
rigel_7: And Catherine is German
zats_clear: oh, and check out the teapots
abyssinia4077: god, so bad
zats_clear: and Catherine is perfectly matched
rigel_7: (or at least movie catherine is)
shutthef_up: I loved the teapot and cups
zats_clear: the same ones, each ep they come out
holdouttrout: oh, AT is just not even listening so she doesn't have to crack up
abyssinia4077: she switches to German and he stays in English at first
surreallis: she's all 'i hear NOTHINK!'
zats_clear: rose colored glasses
abyssinia4077: hee :)
shutthef_up: More beer
whimsicalwhims: hah
zats_clear: whatcha drinkin, courser
shutthef_up: Fat Tire
shutthef_up: Very nice smooth beer.
zats_clear: i knew it
zats_clear: miss that
abyssinia4077: ERNEST!
rigel_7: I've been to that brewery :P
surreallis: those glasses look amazingly good on daniel
shutthef_up: It's goood!
whimsicalwhims: Daniel wa "swarm" to secrecy?
zats_clear: rigel, really?
shutthef_up: I know, they do! Love them!
rigel_7: Yup. I have spent much time in Colorado
shutthef_up: *can't see them, but yeah*
pepper_field: That hat, Jack... No.
shutthef_up: Fat Tire rocks.
holdouttrout: I dunno
abyssinia4077: aw, I love Jack's hat
zats_clear: Teal'c's FRO
abyssinia4077: it seems an odd choice for him, but it's awesome
pepper_field: So much fun picking costumes, I bet.
zats_clear: *dies*
holdouttrout: it's kinda sexy. All those colors.
rigel_7: Mind you I was underage at the time
whimsicalwhims: and headband!
zats_clear: drag for that, rigel
shutthef_up: Too bad, Rigel. come back and we'll get tanked!
rigel_7: 21! Ridiculous!
shutthef_up: Heh, yeah, it sucks
holdouttrout: hee!
zats_clear: take her to Celestial Seasonings to clear out her head
abyssinia4077: NYC to DC at least isn't too far
surreallis: oh yes. they changed the age from 18 to 21 just before I turned 18. BAH.
shutthef_up: Ohhh. I have to go there! I've never been
abyssinia4077: mmm, stock footage
zats_clear: 5 hrs??
abyssinia4077: yeah 5ish is about right
abyssinia4077: depending on traffic
pepper_field: (Slashy look! At "Groovy")
shutthef_up: Well, yeah, but you couldn't get the good beer until you were 21 anyway
rigel_7: Awww Michael :-(
zats_clear: mmmmm, not so much's killing me
zats_clear: so sad
abyssinia4077: yeah, I love this conversation
zats_clear: they must have been fighting
whimsicalwhims: ah, I was plugging in my computer fan and missed it!
zats_clear: yes, this is a fabulous conversation
shutthef_up: If it's any consolation, it's not very shippy either, Zats
zats_clear: i know
beanpot: the train from dc to nyc is only aout three hours
holdouttrout: they're all "Oh, crap."
abyssinia4077: I REALLY want to know how Jack was going to respond when Sam stopped him
zats_clear: no kiddin
surreallis: me too
abyssinia4077: really, really want to know
pepper_field: One of the first conversations I remember having with you, Abyssis, about what Jack was going to say.
shutthef_up: Where are we now?
abyssinia4077: Sam saying Michale has to make up his own mind about 'nam
rigel_7: in the warehouse
zats_clear: they are about to leave the bus
pepper_field: Why have they stood the Stargate upright?
rigel_7: ok I'm ahead
abyssinia4077: Jack steps outside and takes his glasses OFF?
shutthef_up: Okay, about the right time for me then
pepper_field: It's surely not a good way to store it.
pepper_field: One good shove...
zats_clear: no kiddin
abyssinia4077: it's heavy, hard to shove over
shutthef_up: So we can see his gorgeous eyes, Abyss
surreallis: jack-logic is not our logic
pepper_field: Well, but...
shutthef_up: Heh
zats_clear: i liked when it was stored on it's side an all jumped in like a swimming pool
rigel_7: and where did all the convenient cables come from?
shutthef_up: Me too, zats
zats_clear: hey aurora
aurora_novarum: hi.
abyssinia4077: Aurora! they're unlocking the box around teh 'gate now
pepper_field: Excellent shot, with the falling crate things
shutthef_up: HEy! Welcome back
aurora_novarum: I'll just follow along. :-)
beanpot: that's what i've diong
abyssinia4077: I love Daniel clutching teh wall
abyssinia4077: well, box, not wall
holdouttrout: convenient gate ramp!
shutthef_up: My DVD is hosed Aurora, so we're together on that
aurora_novarum: oh they're all doing monkey bar stargate, aren't they?
abyssinia4077: :)
zats_clear: yes
shutthef_up: I missed Daniel's ass climbing up the box!
holdouttrout: oh, god. the bad science
abyssinia4077: luckily Hammond knew to choose flares on the opposite side of the sun
surreallis: it was very nice!
abyssinia4077: (omg does that not make sense)
shutthef_up: Thanks, Jenn ;-)\
aurora_novarum: all these dhd troubles, and they only need a couple jeep batteries.
holdouttrout: I'm humming loudly and ignoring it.
surreallis: sure!
zats_clear: the best shot of this is the promo shot
abyssinia4077: well, it's a super conductor, so just keep giving it power and...
shutthef_up: Daniel's ass, zat?
zats_clear: with them in their outfits
abyssinia4077: away from teh swoosh!
shutthef_up: Ah, yees
zats_clear: not that side
abyssinia4077: security guard is SO confused
holdouttrout: I do not understand how it works without the computer or the dHD
zats_clear: electric fence
holdouttrout: stellar drift
whimsicalwhims: I don't either
aurora_novarum: this will be a helluva yucky report.
shutthef_up: Hmmm. magic
rigel_7: Okay... so Cassandra doesn't give them an exact date, right? So how long has she been waiting every night by the gate?
abyssinia4077: well, you have to dial it manually - the symbols
shutthef_up: Yes
abyssinia4077: and the ring won't release unless there's enough power
shutthef_up: Well, supposedly she'd know the date they showed up
holdouttrout: never mind
pepper_field: I like that Sam kept her bag.
beanpot: she has a hammock in the control room
pepper_field: :-)
whimsicalwhims: but how is there enough power?
holdouttrout: I don't get this part.
shutthef_up: Jeep batteries!
abyssinia4077: "Auntie Em" yay Wizard of Oz
shutthef_up: Lots of them!
rigel_7: and why is the gate inactive this far in the future?
rigel_7: it looks abandoned
pepper_field: Maybe it isn't...
holdouttrout: maybe Sam built a better one!
aurora_novarum: It was cleaning day
surreallis: white flowy clothes always seem to be our future dress
abyssinia4077: maybe they....knew they were coming and hid everything so the team wouldnt' see anything?
shutthef_up: The whole Daniel without hair thing doesn't work, though. If he was going to lose his hair, it'd already have started
aurora_novarum: oh!
holdouttrout: oooh! I like that idea.
zats_clear: that's my guess
aurora_novarum: That's a good explanation.
abyssinia4077: if I were Sam I wouldn't recognize her...
zats_clear: i think she was looking at teal'c
zats_clear: everyone else did
aurora_novarum: Well, maybe she just meant with floppy hair. That's how I always fanwank it.
shutthef_up: Well, yeah, but Teal'c *does* have hair later
shutthef_up: Perhaps, Aurora
holdouttrout: *handwaves*
shutthef_up: No matter....
abyssinia4077: ack! self-fulfilling prophecy! paradox! brain-break!
pepper_field: She's right about one thing, though.
zats_clear: i find it disturbing that she seems surprised to see Daniel
whimsicalwhims: how do they know exactly what date they've traveled to in the future so they can tell Cassie?
abyssinia4077: hand=held dhd!
aurora_novarum: why if they go in too soon to they end up FURTHER in the future.
shutthef_up: I know, exactly zats
holdouttrout: I love that skirt
holdouttrout: *wants*
abyssinia4077: *sigh* they look so...hopeful with the "journey's just beginning" young and eager and not yet broken down
abyssinia4077: it makes me so happy/sad
aurora_novarum: I figure Sam just said, hang out in SGC Cassie. LOL
shutthef_up: I'd have to assume it was in some log, so Cassie would know the date. SG1 wouldn't but the SGC would
whimsicalwhims: ah, that would make more sense
shutthef_up: I *know* Abyss!
aurora_novarum: but it wouldn't be a log yet because it hasn't happened yet
whimsicalwhims: ::hand wave::
shutthef_up: I mean, I know I love Daniel now, but I miss him the way he was
aurora_novarum: oh well, it's fun!
rigel_7: Well, the aschen had the technology to predict solar flares
abyssinia4077: just all of them - not just Daniel
rigel_7: so when they FINALLY went to rescue Joe
aurora_novarum: stop ruining the fun with logic. And yes, re early hopeful team.
pepper_field: Heh, I hope Hammond makes Jack pay that.
shutthef_up: True, Abyss
whimsicalwhims: so has Hammond been looking at Sam's hand everyday then?
abyssinia4077: and "journey's just beginning" but soon enough it stops being about exploration and starts being more and more fighting
zats_clear: the end
surreallis: heh! Rigel's all disgruntled about Joe
abyssinia4077: aw
shutthef_up: I was thinking that too Whimsical
aurora_novarum: what about joe?
shutthef_up: Hee!
abyssinia4077: I'm disgruntled about Joe too!
holdouttrout: well, he had to figure he'd notice
aurora_novarum: what joe?
abyssinia4077: Faxon
holdouttrout: since he did the first time