Rewatch transcript: Quest pt 2

Jan 05, 2012 22:39

pepper_field: And...
pepper_field: GO!
pepper_field: This all looks so familiar...
sidlj: Deja vu all over again.
sidlj: Oh, the previouslys are short anyway.
pepper_field: Oh, Vala, have you not been watching horror movies? "I think we're safe"??!?
sidlj: Hee!
magnavox_23: they got out rather quick
sidlj: Like Episode 200 quick.
magnavox_23: yup
pepper_field: Heh
pepper_field: (Trout had to go - she has this thing called a "social life".)
sidlj: (Imagine that!)
majorsamfan: Orly?
majorsamfan: Well my disc is still giving me fits, so I'm not going to be a huge contributor.
majorsamfan: I get so frustrated! Arghhh (in best Jack voice)
aurora_novarum: yeah, the dragon still looks ridiculous
sidlj: (You need MacGyver, not Jack.)
pepper_field: *sporfles at Teal'c*
aurora_novarum: quick, some chewing gum, a paperclip, and bullets from a gun (but no gun)
pepper_field: It's really hard to work out the size of this dragon. It looks pretty small and weedy to me.
pepper_field: Cam just called Sam "Carter".
sidlj: Grip of Jaffa steel, there.
aurora_novarum: I still think Teal'c is right. The dragon's name is Puff.
aurora_novarum: ha ha ha. ineffective in a different way.
pepper_field: Hee, Sam fed up of this whole silly riddle thing. "Oh come ON!"
sidlj: She's pissed off, lol.
sidlj: Send for Thor!
pepper_field: So, in theory, they could've preserved Jack in one of those things for a thousand + years.
sidlj: But, the big question is, would the Simpsons still be on the air when he thawed out?
majorsamfan: Sam would be waaaaaaaaay too old for him then!
pepper_field: *g*
aurora_novarum: Yeah. Coudl they take that risk?
magnavox_23: probably
aurora_novarum: or I could...come too.
sidlj: LOL! "It's good to see you, too."
magnavox_23: looks like Merlin's drawbridge no longer goes all the way across the moat LOL
majorsamfan: Wish I could do that!
majorsamfan: Stop someone talking with a wave of the hand...
aurora_novarum: would be handy
pepper_field: Sam is totally not Guinevere.
sidlj: He used a Ba'al gag. *eg*
aurora_novarum: well it depends on which legend you read.
magnavox_23: HAHAHAHA
pepper_field: *snerk*
aurora_novarum: *groan*
pepper_field: Adria feeling a tad irritable?
sidlj: She hasn't had her nap.
aurora_novarum: and they were out of chocolate milk at snack time
sidlj: Hee
aurora_novarum: "unusual understanding" = knowing they're all twats
pepper_field: Sam would give her right arm for this technology (aside from the bit where it sucks your brain out your nose).
aurora_novarum: annoyiing side effect
aurora_novarum: This is the first brain sucker with handlebars.
sidlj: Merlin hasn't had anyone to talk to for a very l o n g time.
pepper_field: Well Daniel's a good listener. And Vala can at least feign deep interest. :-)
sidlj: As long as she doesn't have to feign it for too long!
pepper_field: D'oh
sidlj: Ooh, Teal'c slams Ba'al.
majorsamfan: Computer Assisted Design - that's ME! (I'm a CAD Drafter)
pepper_field: I bet it'd be a darn sight easier with one of those things, right?
sidlj: Oh, Daniel. Jack wasn't there to stop you this time.
aurora_novarum: Yeah, everyone else was outside, and Vala didn't know what it was.
aurora_novarum: or how often Daniel did this stupid self-sacrificing thing
sidlj: Shouldn't Ba'al's symbiote be able to keep his hands warm? I mean, if it can heal fatal wounds....
sidlj: I worded that badly, since Ba'al IS the symbiote. :-)
aurora_novarum: it's not set up for temp control.
majorsamfan: Two sets of memories shouldn't be so tough for Daniel...after having 8 people inside him.
sidlj: Walk in the park. *g*
aurora_novarum: true...but he did go a bit wacko that last time.
aurora_novarum: Hee. I love that Cam looks like Percifal.
majorsamfan: I could use a symbiote or something to help keep me warm in this Starbucks...brrrr
magnavox_23: isn't that what the coffee is for? *g*
majorsamfan: Adria's gonna need a jacket on that snowy planet
majorsamfan: (I don't drink coffee...and I need a refill on my hot chocolate... :-D )
magnavox_23: Stargate/hot chocolate, it's a tough coice :-D
magnavox_23: *choice
pepper_field: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Ba'al. You are not getting yourself into Sam's good books.
sidlj: Sam's storing up her anger....
majorsamfan: nahhh....SG eery time
majorsamfan: every
magnavox_23: Teal'c is smirking in the background because he knows what's coming
majorsamfan: Daniel doesn't need glasses any more either...
sidlj: Vala called Jack, Jack! This makes all the OT3 fics I've read make more sense. *g*
aurora_novarum: So the Ancient device is just a big erector set.
majorsamfan: Ba'al is going to get it...
pepper_field: Ahahaha!
sidlj: Yay Sammy!
majorsamfan: Clapping in Sbux....
pepper_field: such a long time coming.
aurora_novarum: ha ha. I'm just past the telekinesis, so I'm about to see it.
magnavox_23: Ba'al is strangely turned on *g*
aurora_novarum: you can see cliff simon's undershirt under the costume. Ha ha ha.
majorsamfan: Daniel...listen to ANYONE? Where has she been the past 9 years?
majorsamfan: Oh...wait...the last 2
sidlj: 1.5
aurora_novarum: well, she did spend half a seaason in another galaxy.
majorsamfan: Cam and Vala scuffling...I expect there to be something more. OOps. wrong show
sidlj: Teal'c is a yenta now?
pepper_field: "Clearly you work well together." Teal'c's heading for a thump, too.
aurora_novarum: awww, vala's really one of the team now. I love that scene.
aurora_novarum: you know, maybe they SHOULDN'T have overrode the program.
sidlj: Lots of action going on. Little typing going on.
aurora_novarum: we're all just so enthralled
aurora_novarum: Does anyone else think the ori staff weapons look like you should toast marshmallows on them?
pepper_field: This episode finally stopped being silly.
majorsamfan: LOL
sidlj: *snickers*
majorsamfan: :-P
pepper_field: Oh yeah, "I'm right behind you", does anyone really believe that?
aurora_novarum: daniel's getting all oma on their asses
sidlj: Are you trying to convince Vala, or yourself, Cam?
majorsamfan: She'll keep him alive...THAT'S what Vala's afraid of!
pepper_field: Daniel being kept alive isn't that much of a comfort. When he's dead, he tends to get a reset and a quick trip back home.
majorsamfan: Someone else that wants (like RepliCarter) to sift through Daniel's brain...
pepper_field: Nekkid.
majorsamfan: :-P
sidlj: Dude, you are so screwed.
majorsamfan: At least one doesn't have a huge and honkin' blade for an arm!
pepper_field: Ohhhhhhhhhhhdear.
majorsamfan: No fillet-ing him...
sidlj: Happy paternity leave, Michael!
pepper_field: Aw, was that why he disappeared off?
aurora_novarum: yep.
majorsamfan: yeah...
majorsamfan: He was at a con just before Lexa delivered.
majorsamfan: He said, "Much as I love you guys, but if she had had the baby, I would not be HERE"
majorsamfan: (Because she'd kick his a$$)
sidlj: Priorities

season 10, redial international chat, 1010-11 the quest

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