10x07 - Counterstrike

Oct 12, 2011 12:43

Counsterstrike Transcript: http://www.stargate-sg1-solutions.com/wiki/10.07_%22Counterstrike%22_Transcript

Previously on Stargate SG-1:
The Ancient weapon at Dakara destroys the Replicators. Vala asks to hold her baby, tells Daniel about Adria’s genetic alterations and then asks Daniel to save Adria over her - “like that’s going to happen” - before they’re beamed off the Ori warship. Vala is visibly shaken by Teal’c’s news of more worlds falling under Ori control. (Prepare yourself for a lot more of Vala looking visibly shaken.)

They’re such a big tease:
SG-1, dressed in village costuming, listen to a Prior introduce the “Orici”, whom Vala identifies to Daniel as Adria. Adria gives a pep talk to the cheering crowd before stepping back behind the curtain looking like she has indigestion.

Aboard the Odyssey they’re picking up an energy reading, a wave of radiation emanating from the gate, so Colonel Emerson orders that SG-1 be extracted. As SG-1 beams out, we see the wave pass over the village. After SG-1 reappears on the bridge of Odyssey, Marks announces a lack of life signs on the planet. Cue Vala looking visibly shaken/concerned about her not-so-little girl.

Later that same day…
Daniel catches up with Vala and tries to be all sympathetic (as Daniel is wont to do, though typically not for Vala), but Vala stops him and admits she “spells relief” A-D-R-I-A-I-S-D-E-A-D and that she regrets not having “done something about it” when she was pregnant. She won’t let Daniel excuse her for thinking she might have been able to convince Adria to give up her crazy Ori ways at some point.

Odyssey personnel in hazmat suits check out the village, which looks like a teenage girl’s room after she leaves for school having finally decided what outfit to wear.

Bra’tac pops through “the old orifice” (Sorry - just watched 200!) with a warning regarding, “A matter that threatens millions of lives.” While Carter and Teal’c figure out the “wave” came from Dakara, Bra’tac fills General Landry (and us) in on what the Jaffa are up to, prompting the SGC commander to plan a little road trip gate travel.

Teal’c bemoans his Jaffa brothers’ lack of honor, but Mitchell tells him to stop crying over spilt milk; he and Carter want to check out the cool Ori ship. They beam over armed and dangerous and split up with poor fifth wheel Carter left to her own devices - or rather the Ori’s devices - while the pairs get all Dr. Phil-osophical. Daniel reluctantly opens up to Vala about Sha’re; Teal’c and Mitchell trade warrior quotes over C-4 applied to something that “looks important.”

Landry Dr. Phil-osophizes to Walter before traipsing through the old orifice.

Carter thinks she has found the ship’s bridge, complete with a captain’s chair unattended by a vaporized prior, who, she suspects, piloted the nuclear wessel with his brain. Cam’s all set to blow things up, but Sam wants him to hold his horses and let her see if she can salvage anything.

Unfortunately, they have company - Bo’rel and his merry Jaffa want salvage rights and get pretty insistent. Mitchell ignores Teal’c and starts shooting just after Sam touches something she shouldn’t. Daniel and Vala race to cover the boys while Carter sends out a useless mayday because she might possibly, accidentally, unintentionally and totally inadvertently maybe activated the shields so Odyssey can’t get a lock to beam them out. When Emerson advises that three Ha’tak vessels have just showed up, Sam orders him to vamoose.

On Dakara, Se’Tak (Free Jaffa leader, not the airport in Washington State) gains no appreciation among the Tau’ri viewership by dissing Master Bra’tac. He admits he is throwing the Jaffa-Tau’ri agreement out the window and excuses the slaughter of innocents as the cost of war.

Daniel and Vala elude Jaffa for the moment. Bo’Rel doubts Mitchell’s fairy tale about the rest of the team having already gated home and uses Mitchell’s radio to goad them into surrendering. Apparently he doesn’t know SG-1 very well. Apparently Daniel hasn’t learned anything in over 9 years and tries to talk him into playing nice - but in so doing, gives away his position to the searching Jaffa. Their capture gives Sam a few more minutes to try to work her usual six-saving miracle.

Adding to the fun, Adria shows up and rescues mommy dearest from the mean Jaffa but doesn’t cut Daniel any slack. Adria has missed her mommy, explains her survival-by-Celestis-pendant and vows they’ll never be apart again. Vala is strangely discomforted by this news (and is visibly shaken).

Bo’rel reveals his distrust - shock! - of the Tau’ri and starts playing with the C-4 detonator. Before he can blow himself and everyone else up, Carter manages to power down the Ori ship - to everyone’s shock and awe. Now to rescue her teammates from the nasty Jaffa!

Vala wants to take her precious little girl away from all this, but Adria fixates on getting Daniel to tell her what happened to “her people.” She gives up because Daniel’s brain is just too awesome. She reanimates one of the Jaffa to make him tell her. When Vala tries to “put her foot down”, Adria pushes her away and warns mommy not to interfere as she extracts the information she needs from the Jaffa to the horror of Vala and Daniel. Talk about a family needing Dr. Phil!

Carter uses the prior’s staff to mount a rescue of Cam and Teal’c - it’s a piece of cake! (Clubs always trump staff weapons and zats, don’t you know?)

Se’Tak tries to go toe-to-toe with Landry but can’t give as good as he gets, so he walks away.

The uncaptured 3/5ths of SG-1 play flashlight hide and seek on the Ori ship, and Sam admits maybe she didn’t raise the shields after all. They realize something - or someone - else is aboard, and with Odyssey out of range, they call Daniel and Vala to “get the hell out of Dodge.” Adria, hearing this, announces they’re too late, powers up the ship and makes quick work of the three Ha’tak vessels before jumping to hyperspace.

The Odyssey crew, no longer detecting SG-1’s transmitters, speculate what yellow brick road to follow, with Emerson psychically coming up with Dakara.

Se’Tak blames the Tau’ri for destroying the Ha’tak vessels (though how he knows they’re destroyed - since all three were…destroyed - is another psychic mystery). He orders Jaffa to guard Bra’tac and Landry.

Sam, Cam and Teal’c, still skulking about the Ori ship, realize they’re in hyperspace and wonder who’s flying it. Still unable to reach Daniel and Vala, Mitchell and Teal’c leave Sam to work on figuring out the ship’s controls while they go try to find their teammates. Unfortunately, they run into Bo’rel and buddies again, but “At least it’s not raining.” (Whatever the heck that means)

Vala discovers her hubby Tomin was NOT among those killed by the Jaffa as Adria informs them of Ori’s diabolical plot to convert the entire galaxy within the year. Adria can’t understand why Vala isn’t just thrilled to be the Orici’s mommy dearest. If Adria can’t even convince her own mommy dearest, how can she “be expected to sway countless worlds”? Vala and Daniel affirm how stubborn Vala can be, and Adria intends to be patient…”and very…determined”. (And no, she won’t show the same patience to anyone else!)

Mitchell and Teal’c convince Bo’rel they still have a common enemy - and she’s flyin’ the boat. With a sigh equaled only by Teal’c when dealing with Jack (or Cam), Bo’rel concedes.

Without so much as even one “Are we there yet?” Adria announces they’ve arrived at Dakara just in time for Mitchell and Teal’c to find a window to look out and see the planet.

Se’Tak tells Landry, “I told you so!” and threatens to attack earth. (It’s a Jaffa revenge thing.)

Mitchell knows he needs to detonate the C-4 but wants to speechify first. Until Teal’c growls. By the time Cam does flip the switch it doesn’t work.

Adria tells Vala and Daniel she just saved their lives, tosses some approaching Jaffa on their snakey a$$es and gloats to Daniel & Vala that she’s going to destroy the only weapon capable of stopping the Ori - and no, the Ancients won’t interfere. Oh, and the Ori have *plans* for Daniel!

Se’Tak, Landry and Bra’tac enter the control room for the Ancient device, and Se’Tak plans to wipe out the ships in orbit. He orders the weapon to be fired, even if SG-1 *is* on board.

Somehow Sam gets the shields on the Ori ship down just in the nick of time and Emerson beams SG-1 out. The Odyssey enters hyperspace while the Ancient weapon’s wave envelopes the Ori ship, killing all the Jaffa but not Adria, who fires on Dakara.

Bra’tac and Landry escape, leaving Se’Tak to fire the weapon again. Just as they reach the gate, they make the obligatory glance back and see the Ori weapon fire blow the mountain apart.

Brief Debrief…
Teal’c confirms to all present that “Dakara is no more.” Carter bears bad news that more planets - including Warrick’s and Jonas Quinn’s home worlds *haz a sad* - have fallen to the Ori. Mitchell mentions the Merlin device, and with a parting shot, Landry tells him to find it already.

In a strange turn of events, Vala impresses Bra’tac with warrior wisdom, which Daniel promptly chalks up to motherhood, the greatest battle of all.

  1. Is Vala’s running theme of guilt for giving birth to Adria justified?
  2. Why do you think SG-1 split up on the Ori warship the way they did (besides “the writer/director told them to”)?
  3. Did it seem odd to you that lots of people seemed to know things they couldn’t know - Sam, that Cam had set C-4; Emerson, that they were headed for Dakara; Se’Tak that all three ships were destroyed?
  4. If Odyssey detected the Ha’tak, why didn’t the Ha’tak detect them?
  5. How weird was it that Sam seemed to make the decision to vamoose for Emerson?
  6. War movies often glorify the honor of soldiering but overlook the cost of innocent lives. Was Francis Edwards correct in saying, “All’s fair in love and war”? Or was Major General Graves B. Erskin more prescient with “Victory was never in doubt. Its cost was...” Is Se’Tak right in saying, “The cost of victory is great, but the cost of defeat would be even greater.”?
  7. Why didn’t the explosion of the Ancient weapon cause Landry and Bra’tac to be sent elsewhere or elsewhen or start a black hole or something?

recap, season 10, 1007 counterstrike

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