♥ 4 ♥

Jun 24, 2009 20:34

I have my basket again! Oh, I've missed it so much... thank you, Mister Mayor! *there's outright glee in her tone* Although I'll have to ask about the weapons missing from it. If anyone finds them, bring them back to me please.While I'm saying something, you know something strange ( Read more... )

medic, edward elric, italy, mia, scout

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doktorhomicide June 25 2009, 03:46:18 UTC
...You killed him didn't you?


redhuntinghood June 25 2009, 04:01:14 UTC
I thought I did.


doktorhomicide June 25 2009, 04:17:33 UTC
Zhey do not stay dead, unfortunately. Mine revived on me, too. But, if you vant to look at it in a brighter light, at least now you can kill zhem und take some stress out on zhem at zuh same time, ja? It vould be like a stressball, just messier!


redhuntinghood June 25 2009, 04:18:46 UTC
...my my! Suddenly I'm really glad that we've kept at least one drone around here. Thank you for your research, Doctor.


doktorhomicide June 25 2009, 04:24:02 UTC
It is no problem, fräulein. Do make sure to keep a low profile though, ja? We vouldn't vant you to have to be brainwashed.


redhuntinghood June 25 2009, 04:30:04 UTC
...brainwashed? What do you mean by that?


doktorhomicide June 25 2009, 04:32:09 UTC
Apparently, if you act up too much here, zuh police force vill come und brainvash you. Not zat we can't kill a few people here und zhere, but it better to not do it vhenever zuh feeling arises.


redhuntinghood June 25 2009, 04:45:23 UTC
Then I'll try to keep it in moderation... or when my brother goes through my things again.


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