Oh yeah, I do have a livejournal. Couldn't check it for a looooong time due to the computer being stupid. But I'm going to try it again now that it's all clean and shiny.
since my last entry.....
I currently have 12 budgies. Jelly Bean passed away in March unexpectedly, Lemon in April.
I am serving as a Webelos Den Leader, District Roundtable Committee, District Training Committee, Adult Advancement committee, and CLC Committee.
Clark got first place by catching a bass at the Cornhusker Council fishing Derby
I won $50 in a home game last night (split the pot with my friend Gary)
After numerous postponements, Clark had a birthday shindig at Grandpa's cabin last weekend, pics at
http://www.flickr.com/photos/budgiejen On a short hiatus from scouting, as the meetings wrapped up in mid-May and the scout year doesn't start again until Friday.
I may have a summer job; more details coming soon.
School is out on Thursday.