a lesson learnt but it hurts instead.

Oct 14, 2012 23:54

Peace. Had this feeling when I went down on my knees. Forehead touching the ground. Prayed with Daddy,just the two of us for maghrib and isyak today. Felt really good. Felt the connection. Sadly,just missed Ammi. Sometimes I still feel her next to me... & sometimes feel her missing so badly that i cry so hard before i fell asleep most nights. Wounds will heal,it will take time.

Spent the day well today. Had a lunch date with Love. I'm really glad we actually made time for each other,like finally. Never mind the time constraint but Alhamdulillah for I atleast got to see him,feel him. We tend to get so busy with life,there's no time for meet-ups and stuff. Responsibility. Like the word,the meaning is really heavy. Then there come responsibility. Where is time? Suddenly missing I guess. Whatever it is,I hope I'll be strong to understand both situations and ofcourse have that patience in my heart always. Once work hits in,life's gonna get busier :/ On the other hand,I can't wait. Staying home is not healthy,haha.

Madrasah was like the usual. Great quranic recitals by the Ustad. Awesome voice,something I would wanna put on repeat mode on the Ipod ofcourse. I wonder if Love can read that well? Hehehe. Should test him one day. LOL!

& not forgetting the heavy downpour. I thought that was it,I was stuck and there goes madrasah but... I reached even earlier than the Ustad! Pfft.

Today,I found out something I felt right and true enough,I was right all along. *SIGH* I didn't mean to break someone's heart but this is reality. Hope nothing changes,that's all. & hee,I AM PRETTY,BEAUTIFUL AND THE GUY WHO'S GONNA MARRY ME WILL INDEED BE LUCKY,exactly what I've been told by that broken hearted being. Stop feeling like a villain,Shahrana -.-"

Alright,time for some Adam & Hawa!
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