Today I went to the shore. It was an amazing start to my long weekend! Last night I spent the night at Brendan's house, as we had to get up and be ready by seven in the morning. We ended up staying up til around four talking about life, the universe, and everything. It was awesome. Then our alarms didn't wake us up until 7:20, and we kept Meredith and Mr. Musgnug waiting for like 20 minutes (sorry!). We rushed to clean everything up in like a minute, and proceeded with our drive to the beach. Once there, we went to get bagels. We went to Mer's house and chilled for a while, then went to various stores close to her house to buy Zack a cap and Brendan a backpack. We tried to go mini golfing but the places weren't open, and the arcade was closed too (Zack really wanted to go to an arcade). Then we went to get lunch, and I got a milkshake and cheeseburger (bad idea I'm lactose intolerant and my stomach was killing me). Then we went back to the house, played catch for a while, talked a little, then explored the upstairs of Mer's house, which you reach by climbing a ladder. Fun. Well once we reached the top, we discovered a hole in the floor. We were enjoying this newfound curiosity when I spotted the Apple Jacks. Now we have history with Apple Jacks: when we went to the shore for Chelsea and Charlotte's sweet sixteen we had a lot of fun throwing them at each other. So when I spotted these, the idea sprang to me; we should try to throw them up and down through the hole in the floor that the ladder went through, and to catch them in our mouths. This turned out to be great fun; we did this and took pictures of it for at least an hour. There were variations in this fun, of course, as you can see below. After we had had enough and cleaned up the extensive mess we created in our gleeful fun, we decided to go hang out on the beach for a bit more. When we got back it was almost time to go, so we chilled for a bit and then went home. What a time.
A Curiosity is Discovered
Enjoying the Newfound Curiosity
Brendan gets an Apple Jack
Brendan gets a Surprise
Zack gets an Apple Jack
Zack gets a Surprise
I Relish the Fun
I get a Surprise
Now if any of you who are reading this know what an Aunt Liz cookie is, your mouth will be starting to water at about this point. But when it hits you in the face after a ten foot drop it hurts. Trust me.
The Mess we Created in our Gleeful Fun