Feb 09, 2008 01:02
So... it's been about a year since i updated this thing.
Soo much has happened. From relationships ending to relationships begining im convinced that everything is going to happen, no matter how far in advance you see it coming, and how hard you try to fight it. I am really glad that I have Jessica Daniel in my life. That girl is my best friend. I Love Her. Without Jess I really have no idea, I might spontaniously combust or something. Yes, I am the first to admit that I have made some wrong choices, but that DOES NOT give ANYONE the right to judge me on that. That is who I USED to be, and not who I am NOW.
It really makes me sad that we all can't just get over ourselves.
Like in the summer of '05. Jayson + Jessica + Adam + Megan = the most incredible friendship this world had ever seen. We were inseperable and unstopable. No matter what had happend the minute before, once we were all together, or even just two of us together, nothing else mattered. Somehow we could make eachother believe that we were completely inviceable. Just sleeping the days away, partying the nights till they turned into dawns, everything was just o.k. We would never grow old, always be there for eachother. Now... I only really talk to Jessica still. Jayson and I are tight, but it's not the same. As for Adam, I really don't know, last I heard from him, he was telling people stuff about me that not only I know isn't true... but HE knows isn't true. Its sad really. We all had so much fun. I still love those 3, and will always be there if they need me, its a bad feeling to admit that I'm not sure thats how they all feel. Things with Cait have ................. theres no word for what has happened, I feel sorry, I don't think theres another way to describe that feeling.
Jessica, let's go steal another chair from The Pottery Barn
Jayson, Let your penis fall out of my board-shorts again... and don't care.
Adam, Run down my block pulling me by my wrist behind you to go watch the fireworks from a more clear view
Let's relieve the days where we were worry free... that's how life is meant to be lived
I love you all