Well, today we have more rain in the forecast for the northeast. No surprise there. Allergies are still shitty. BLECCCHHHH!!!
I've been working on getting a website together for my sister. Gosh, it's amazing how quickly you get rusty if you don't use something every day. My college degree is in Computer Information Systems and I got such a headache trying to remember the tags and structure. I freakin' hate CSS! Thank goodness for my lovely, wonderful, gorgeous, sexy Mac (I think Megan would agree with my choice of adjectives :) ). I'm using iWeb for the first time and it's awesome! Lovelovelovelovelove it!
A bit of very good frivolous news for me........I collect the Harry Potter Dolls by Tonner and they are FINALLY releasing Ginny Weasley! Ain't she purdy?
They're also releasing Lucius Malfoy. Behold the nastiness.....
Ah well, back to my sister's website. Hopefully I'll get it done today. Happy Sunday everyone!