Mar 02, 2007 22:59
Hi There! Remember Me? I got back from London late Monday night, spent the night at my in-laws in NJ and drove home the next afternoon. I'm still pretty jet lagged and haven't managed to think really well since I've been back. I did 2 loads of laundry today and that pretty much kicked my ass. I had wanted to make a post about my trip and about what I thought of Dan in Equus (SO EFFING GOOD!), but honestly, I'm whipped. I can't form a coherent thought so I will post tomorrow.
I'm digging myself out of my email and I promise to get to commenting and replying this weekend. I had planned to keep up with everything while in London and actually managed to make two posts in our first hotel, but our second hotel's server had "issues" with Mac-Books so we had no internet. I had withdrawals and it wasn't pretty.....
Anyway, I just wanted to say hello to my flist *waves* and that I've missed you all terribly!