Lots have happened...so many other have already commented I feel a bit tardy. Hee.
Wedding rocked. Drank lots. Ate lots. Had a brief moment of panic when
sala_mander went running after guy in shitty baby blue Le Baron convertable with license plate that read "MUNCHER".
Got home safe and sound. Picked up my spoiled pup from the Paradise Pet Lodge. That place RULES. She was returned freshly bathed and blow-dried, and even her doggie bed had been laundered and fluffed. I HIGHLY recommend.
I was mildly obsessed (I'm usually mildly obsessed with something) with a contest on Live! with Regis and Kelly last week. They released a clue every day for 5 days last week, and if you write all 5 clues on a postcard and send them in, you can win a house that they will build for you. I NEED THIS HOUSE. I was going to miss the last two clues due to the wedding, but I found them on a news group when I returned. I don't have time to send a postcard, but they have electronic postcards so I thought YAY! Well...the the USPS site that's hosting it is having some sort of SQL error all day today and I can't get my entries in! ACK! Why does the universe hate me!?