What the Long Road Entails: Part I, Chapter VI: New York Loves Serena

Sep 02, 2009 21:46

Chapter VI: New York Loves Serena

The ride to a JFK was a hectic one; the stop and go traffic prompted Blair to look at her ruby and diamond Rolex watch. She had eighteen minutes exactly before Serena’s plane landed, and there was no way that Blair was going to be late, she was never tardy for anything especially not for something as important as this.

“Could you drive faster, it is really important that I make it in time.” Blair didn’t like explaining herself; she felt that if she asked something of someone that it would be executed to exceptionally higher standards than expected.

“I am driving as fast as the traffic will allow Miss.” the cabdriver spoke in a heavy Indian accent.

Blair released a grunt from her throat, staring out the window as the buildings passed. She really wondered why she even took the cab; it was probably because it reminded her of Serena. Serena would always take the taxi or even walk instead of using her driver that her mom always insisted on. Blair loved it how Serena was so carefree about everything, she just couldn’t wait to see her! The thoughts of Serena’s ‘carefree’ self started racking Blair’s brain again. Thinking about how she took the risk of being caught, Blair wished she could be more like that. Maybe Serena could make her a little more spontaneous, she thought, realizing that she was already beginning to change her. Although Blair would always still remain Blair no matter how Serena changed her, she was mostly just a better person around her.

“Miss, what is the terminal that you have to be in?”

Blair sighed, digging through her purse finding a piece of paper with the airline and flight number in Serena’s girly bubbly handwriting, “I need to be at the terminal with American Airlines.”

The cabdriver spoke, “I believe that is terminal eight.”

“Well it better be!” Blair exclaimed impatiently, while rolling her eyes


Blair walked through the automatic glass sliding doors realizing that her girlfriend’s plane was going to arrive any second and she still had to find the correct gate. Blair quickly ran into the nearest gift shop and picked up a salmon pink colored rose and slipped it delicately into her patent red Valentino handbag. Blair quickly ran to the nearest information desk to determine what gate Serena was going to be arriving at.

Blair cleared her throat in an aggravated tone, “Could you tell me what gate American Airlines flight 619 is going to be returning?” Blair’s arms lapped over one another as her navy Prada shoes tapped impatiently on the hard floor.

“Gate A-6, Miss.” the woman answered. Blair gave her a half hearted smirk, squint her eyes and quickly ran off, her heels echoing each click.

Blair continued making her way down the crowded walkway of the airport terminal hall A. She counted up looking from the right to left, one, two, a small child ran in front of her, stopping in her tracks she rolled her eyes while she thought how parents really needed to control their children, three, four, five, she sighed her feet were sore from the heels that were already creating blisters on her feet, finally gate six. Blair made her way into the gate’s waiting area and sat on the edge of the Herman Miller Tandem airport seating, taking her Prada shoes off rubbing the sore spots on her foot where the friction had developed the newly formed blisters. Putting her shoes back on, Blair stood up to look out the full length windows not noticing any airplanes at the gates she made her way over to the nearest screen. She read down the list seeing that most of the planes were on time, American Airlines Flight 619, she read moving her eyes to the right, delayed, it was in bold red letters. How can it be late, she thought. She walked to the American Airlines desk to see what was going on.

“What is going on with flight 619?” Blair asked, again annoyed.

“Well they encountered some heavy rain and head winds, which delayed the flight.” the attendant stared into the computer screen never making contact with Blair’s blank stare.

Blair sighed raising her eyebrows, “Do you know how long it is going to be until it lands?”

He was still staring at the computer, “About thirty minutes to an hour.”

Blair let out a sigh, “Thanks…” she said with no enthusiasm.

She made her way back to her previous seat; her one foot flicked the back of her shoe allowing her to kick it off to the side, repeating the motion to the opposite foot. She realized that a pressure was building in her abdomen indicating that she needed to use the restroom. She now thought that she shouldn’t have drunk that espresso earlier in the day. Blair totally refused to use public restrooms at this public of a place, she imagined all of the different people that used it, making her want to vomit. She was determined to hold it until Serena arrived and she returned back home to her immaculately clean bathroom, she really appreciated Dorota at the moment.

Her right leg tightly crossed over the left while her foot twitched and bounced up and down back and forth trying to forget about needing to go to the bathroom. She glanced at her Rolex, it had been only been fifteen minutes, she made her way through her purse looking for something to distract her. The only thing distracting her now though was the sound of a child using a drinking fountain that was too close for Blair’s comfort; the running water was really getting to her. She thought about how she would never let her child use a drinking fountain, she was sure that the spout was contaminated with herpes and probably even worse diseases than that, but all of these hooligans running around were really convincing her that kids weren’t ever going to be included in her future. Maybe being a lesbian could be an advantage she thought.

Blair glanced again at her Rolex it now had only been four minutes since she last looked, if another two minutes passed she thought that her bladder would explode. She continued at her purse grasping her Dior Addict lip polish she quickly placed a coat of the light pink shimmery gloss over her lips as she shifted in her seat trying to find a more relieving position.

It hadn’t been very long but she knew that she needed to use a bathroom now to relieve herself, although still paranoid about the situation. She sprinted off with her heels and purse in hand to find the nearest bathroom which wasn’t far away. She made her way into the restroom, glad that there wasn’t a line. She leapt into the nearest stall, her pinky pulling the knob on the latch guiding the door closed and then pushing it over to lock it shut. She went to grab a tissue seat cover from behind the toilet but noticed that they were all gone. The urge was becoming harder and harder to bear as she knew that she was getting closer and closer to get to unburden this sensation. She quickly unlatched the door looking into the other stalls for the seat covers. She sped into the one that possessed some. Before she grabbed one and placed it on the toilet seat she grasped to get the hand sanitizer out of her handbag. She then squirted and generous amount of it onto the seat and then took some toilet paper out of the dispenser and wiped it down. Grabbing not only one but two of the paper seat covers placing them on the toilet seat and then lowered her skirt and panties as she began to sit on the seat cringing as she did so., making sure that her skirt didn’t get any closer to the floor than it had to be. She felt as if the stream would never stop, sitting there as her privacy was being compromised, feeling exposed. She finally stood up as the automatic toilet flushed right when she pulled her Dolce and Gabbana skirt back up to hug her small waist once again. She plucked the door open with her pinky once more, leaving the thin toilet seat covers where they were thinking how it was someone’s job to take care of her mess; after all she had to go through anyway. As she approached the sink she pushed the on the soap dispenser   several times, leaving an ample amount of the foamy soap on her hands. The sink automatically turned on as she placed her hands underneath, she washed her hands scrubbing until she felt confident that all the publics’ germs were removed. Grabbing the paper towel that was already dispensed she wiped her hands off quickly, still holding the paper towel she pushed the door open making sure that the paper towel was the only thing coming into direct contact with the silver push plate on the door.


Blair suddenly snapped from her trance of erotic thoughts of her and Serena to finally see the Boeing 747 taxing to the gate. She rose from her seated position to step over to the large window, still waiting to see Serena step through the gate’s doors, the plane was just now attaching to the jet bridge. Just a few more minutes and Serena would be walking her way once more.

The overhead speaker had now said, in a robot-like monotone voice “Attention, American Airlines Flight 619 is now arriving, baggage claim will be ready for pick up at carousal three.”

Blair kept the number in mind as she watched for her girlfriend to come through the door that had now been opened. Her eyes filtered through the people now walking off with their carry-on luggage. Blair’s eyes lit up seeing the shiny sparkle of gold hair, her head hovering over all of the other passengers coming off of the plane, the black Louboutin’s weren’t helping her towering height either, Blair loved it. Serena walked out of the jet bridge with confidence. Even though Serena was on an airplane for some hours she still managed to look delicious to Blair and well, probably to everyone else too, her stomach flipped at the sight.

Blair noticed something not far from Serena that wasn’t so pleasing to her, Chuck Bass was walking right behind her, and Serena didn’t look that happy either. She saw Chuck staring at Serena’s ass, knowing that was the only reason why Chuck was probably kind enough to let Serena walk in front of him. She felt an anger grow inside her yet suppressed it with the happiness she felt by seeing Serena, but she really wanted to slap that smirk off Chuck’s face so hard that it his head would spin! Rather than doing that, she ran quickly up to Serena giving her a quick hug, making it not seem obvious to anyone, especially to Chuck. A wide grin covered both her face and Serena’s.

“I am so glad you are back S, you have no idea what it was like without you here!” Blair couldn’t wipe the silly grin off of her face as she interlinked arms with the much taller blonde.

“I am sure you couldn’t…” Chuck intervened Blair and Serena’s moment with the sly yet vague comment, obviously perverted thoughts about earlier situations were arising in his mind.

“Why don’t you just go fuck yourself and get it over with Bass, no one will ever love you as much as you love yourself!” Blair snapped lashing her harsh emotions right at him.

“You know I love it when you talk dirty Waldorf!”, Chuck snickered, her comment obviously being somewhat ironic to the “Serena-flight incident”, he then just casually just walked away shaking his head, realizing enough damage had already been done and it wasn’t really worth his time. He knew his final comment had done enough to make Blair want to hurl; he had completed his job perfectly.

Blair looked at him walk away and rolled her eyes dramatically while looking at his ridiculous sherbet colored outfit. Chuck had done his job, Blair was speechless after being so disgusted. It was probably a good thing he did though because she just realized that it was obviously Chuck who snapped the photos of Serena. Ugh, that perv, is all she could think while rolling her lip’s corners into a snarl.

Serena looked back to Blair revealing her face that gleamed with repulsion. “B, you have no idea what it was like sitting next to Chuck on the airplane!” Serena complained to her girlfriend.

“Oh, believe me I am positively sure I know!” Blair responded with the most knowing face that Serena totally believed her.

“Well, I will just have to tell you later, B, you might be surprised.” Serena shrugged.

“Okay, S.” Blair looked down to the right her mouth motioning that way also, while thinking “sure Serena”.

Blair continued, “They announced carousel three for your baggage claim.” They continued walking toward the baggage claim area, still interlinking arms. It was taking much control to not just kiss one another right then and there, but they knew they could wait another hour if they had waited this long, although they were now together.

The two girls waited at baggage carousel number three, the metal plates hadn’t moved yet. “Do these men think I have all day?!” Blair grumbled, arms now crossed under her chest.

“Just be patient, plus I bet there are women totally moving that luggage off the plane too.” Serena smiled at her nowhere near clever remark.

Blair thought it was cute, but she wouldn’t get over being unforgiving to tardiness, giving Serena a look of ‘just be quiet’, “Whatever their gender, they better hurry because I have a life to attend to, and you don’t even know what happened to me while I was waiting for your frickin’ plane to land!”

Serena just rolled her eyes and smiled at Blair’s naturally inconsiderate ways, she was a pain sometimes but she still loved every piece of her. “I am sure I will find out later!” Serena giggled.

Finally the plates began to slide conveying the luggage out of the plastic flaps and around the mechanism. Serena’s luggage was easy to spot being that no one else had the same Louis Vuitton bags as she did. Eyeing her bags she quickly grabbed them popping the handle up on the one and slinging the other off her shoulder.


The journey from the airport and back into the Queens, New York heat had been a talkative one, with Serena doing most of the talking, telling Blair all of the new fashions that she found in Paris, along with the stories of how annoying ‘the family’ was becoming and how much she missed Blair. Blair would just tell Serena the usual gossip that had been racking up since she was gone, just not including Serena’s own gossip, not yet anyways.

Serena hailed a taxi quickly as if she had never left New York, it would always be in her blood, her golden strands also aided in the process. Slipping into the backseat Serena gave the address to her penthouse to the cabdriver. Serena still rambled on about her trip as Blair reached in her purse to retrieve the rose that she had bought Serena earlier.

Blair smiled to Serena gesturing the flower her way, “I missed you so much!” and she mouthed the words I love you after.

Serena smiled to Blair looking into her eyes her mouth moved saying I love you too. “The color is so beautiful. I love it, thank you!” Serena looked at the rose admiring its beauty, but Blair was looking even more beautiful as she studied her face again for the first time in what seemed like forever. Her porcelain skin slightly dewy from the humidity outdoors, the way her perfectly polished chocolate curls drifted over her shoulders onto her peach Alice + Olivia ruffled blouse. Studying Blair’s every feature was making holding her emotions in even more unbearable.


Blair and Serena waited eagerly for the elevator to arrive, it seemed like it was taking longer than usual. Serena bit her lip in anticipation, while Blair maintained her always twitching foot. With a ‘ding’ the elevator had now arrived. Blair hurriedly stepped in just when the doors allowed her to glide past, Serena followed, glad that there were no other residents getting on. Serena lunged at Blair pressing her hard against the cold metal, pinning Blair’s hands above her head with her own. Serena’s lips crashed onto Blair’s, both girls parting their lips with each searing kiss. Serena’s teeth nipped at Blair’s lower lip, sucking on it for a quick moment before the elevator door opened to Serena’s penthouse, obviously vacant, Chuck being at his suite. Blair pushed Serena on the nearest wall, kissing her with a fury of passion. Serena took back her control pushing Blair back roughly once more to return the fiery kiss again, leaving both girls breathless. Loud breaths and small sighs could now be heard. Serena moved her mouth down kissing along Blair’s jaw line, making her way to Blair’s ear sucking and nibbling at her earlobe. Blair’s fingers were entangled in blonde hair pulling due to the pleasure that Serena was causing her.

“You don’t know how much I have wanted to do this for the time I was gone, it was unbearable!” Serena gasped for air as she spoke into Blair’s ear.

“Well I do know because I felt the same way, baby!” Blair spoke breathily.

Serena pecked Blair on the lips once more, then furthered the gap between them allowing Blair to escape her grip. “I am so tired! I didn’t get much sleep on the plane.” Serena looked exhausted.

“Yeah, I figured!” Blair said almost sounding as to make it a point, as if something were obvious. “Come here and sit down, I have to show you something.”

“Okay B, what is it?” Serena said sounding a little nervous.

“Just come over here and sit.” Blair’s hand tapped on the couch motioning for Serena to sit next to her.

Serena sat closely next to Blair, as Blair reached into her pocket retrieving her LG Envy. “Okay S, this might be a shock to you but I want you to know that it will be okay!” Serena’s face now looked very worried to what Blair had just said. Blair continued at her cell phone sorting through the old messages, when she ultimately came across the message she was looking for. Out of the corner of Serena’s eye she could make out that the message was from Gossip Girl, Serena was becoming surer by the second of what that message was going to be. A picture popped up onto the screen, which at first was hard to see until Blair handed the phone to Serena. Serena’s thoughts were confirmed as she saw herself on the small screen doing the unthinkable, she was now regretting the decision that she had made just some hours ago, realizing that Chuck didn’t just witness it, he captured it, providing evidence to the whole Upper East Side. Serena was once again lost for words knowing what had been exposed, but it was the chance she took, so Chuck wasn’t all to blame.

“I don’t know what to say B?” Serena shrugged.

Blair was surprised that Serena didn’t react with more emotion. “Well, all I know is that Chuck is one pervert for doing that! I could go over there now and poison his fucking five hundred dollar scotch!”

“It is partially my fault for doing it, knowing that people were around.” Serena continued.

“Chuck should not be so inconsiderate of others, he is such a bastard!” Blair’s face was so red that Serena could swear it was glowing. “The whole world doesn’t need to know about your sexual doings on a plane and it is all Chuck’s fault!” Blair felt like she could’ve done this earlier, when she lashed out all of her feelings on Chuck in the airport, but she didn’t feel like she needed to make a scene. “He is dying today!” Blair stood up quickly but Serena grabbed her hand and pulled her back down next to her.

“It is ok Blair, it is already done and over and I can’t do anything to fix it.”

“Oh I can fix it, Serena!” Blair still ranted.

“No, fighting with Chuck will only make the situation worse. We need to ignore it, baby!” Serena’s voice was very calm for the current situation.

Blair took a deep breath trying to calm herself down. “Yes you are right Serena, you take matters in stride and I love you for it!”

“I guess I just need to not get worried about it, something else will pop up in the next hour anyways with the newest gossip and I will be old news.” Serena explained.

Blair let out a sigh and placed her head onto Serena’s shoulder, “I am glad that it did happen sort of though, because I would have never found out about it if not, I am just angry that everyone has to know.”

Serena looked down at Blair; whose eyes were now making contact with hers, Serena smiled and kissed Blair on the forehead. “I understand, but I wish I could’ve just told you. But I guess now you have the pictures and everything!”

“Yes, the pictures are hot!” admitted Blair. “So that makes up for everyone else knowing I guess, and you are right they will be onto something new very quickly, so maybe I should go thank Chuck!” Blair giggled.

Serena laughed, “I think he would be confused if you told him that.”

“Yeah I think so too!” Blair agreed. “We should really get you to bed; I know how exhausted you are not getting much sleep and all!” Blair’s eyebrows moved up and down in a joking way, looking at Serena.

“B!”Serena whined, pushing her from the couch playfully.

Blair laughed grabbing for Serena’s hand parading her into the bedroom and letting her lay down, then tucking her under the covers, kissing her forehead once more. Blair decided to lay next to Serena until she fell into a slumber.

“I love you Blair.” Serena whispered.

“I love you too Serena!” Blair lay behind Serena enveloping her body, her arm draping over the blonde’s torso, making her feel as if she could melt into her.

Once Serena had fallen asleep Blair lightly kissed her shoulder and slid out of the bed as quietly as possible to not disturb her girlfriend. She needed to get back home where her mom was gone again on some business trip and where she needed to attend to some more things to make her and Serena’s night together perfect, her mom being gone was obviously one of them. Blair knew that Serena was going to be worth all of this work!


Thanks for reading!
Comments are LOVE, so please comment, I need feedback!!!
Also a thanks to  phantom1015 for beta'ing, love you!!!
<3 Redhighheels_99

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