Jul 28, 2004 13:25
This post will be in poor taste. You've been warned.
One of my LJ friends unfriended me recently. Normally, I wouldn't care. However, I genuinely liked this person and am a little surprised at her reasoning. She found an aspect of my lifestyle so offensive that she no longer wants to read anything that I post here. This seems a tad close-minded, but I guess that if one of my LJ friends posted something about how they were ravingly anti-choice, I'd probably unfriend them. We all have our issues.
So, here's your chance, dear reader. If you've been wanting to unfriend me for a while and were looking for an excuse, I'll try to give you one. Realize that I do not actually want any of you to leave, but if you're going to go, I'd rather rip the bandaid off quickly than have it be a slow trickle. (Mixed metaphor, I know.) I am not asking any of you to be or do any of these things, or even agree with me. Just know that this is who I am.
I am pro-choice. I have been in several polyamorous relationships, but will likely return to monogamy. I am bisexual. I believe in medical-based but not cosmetic-based research on animals. I have never seen, nor do I want to see, Titanic. I used to take antidepressants before my prescription benefit ran out. I shave my legs and armpits. I don't always recycle. I support gay marriage. I think canine ear cropping is revolting. I have cheated on some of my past lovers. I generally do not watch TV. I swallow. I purchase items made in third-world countries. I do not eat mammals. I think people's insta-patriotism after 9/11 is bullshit. I find Jennifer Love Hewitt incredibly annoying. I am afraid of developmentally disabled people. I had a sexual relationship when I was seventeen with a married man whose wife did not know about me. I have cut myself just to feel the pain.
I'm pretty sure there are probably other parts of my personality that are at least somewhat offensive, but this is the best I could do right now. So, like I said, I hope all of you stick around, but if you were looking for a chance to leave, here you go.