papertissue After re-watching and laughing at Skitzo all over again, met jess janice and xinman to bugis . Then we went to celebrate Wujinhao's birthday, Happy birthday ! We were really crazy at eighteenchef's restaurant, really fun (: The pasta i ate was ... SPICY and it was really filling that .. i felt bloated. but it was nice.
After that, met up with my parents at Town. I was wandering around wisma waiting for them, really bored but what else could i do? Bumped into a few people again and again -.- .. whaaaaat. Anyway, i was able to get a jeans for winter-wear, very glad at that. Ate dinner with them again, no one was at home when we reached home. Arg.
[edit] it's later than 10 nowwwww :DD
infinite .