Photoshop 7 Tutorial

Sep 06, 2009 13:36

Program: Photoshop 7
Difficulty: Hard
Steps: 9
Translatable: The first part yes, the coloring no.
PSD: Ask for it

I'm going to take this picture of the girls from the Hills, photoshop all of the text off of it, take out Heidi and Whitney, and then make it so that Lauren is behind Audrina.

Go from this to this

Step 1. First I took my base, which of course is the rolling stone picture from the Hills. The first thing I need to do is remove any text that is around Lauren and Audrina. In order to do this, I'm going to use my handy clone stamp tool. For anybody who is not familiar with clone stamp, it is pretty much a tool in order to copy and paste a part of a picture. You hold down alt and click the spot that you want to copy, and then you click the area where you want it pasted, and then you can pretty much paint it over the picture.

Here is me using the clone stamp tool:

Step 2.  After clone stamping, to correct the blurred edges around the legs, run the number 9 brush along the edges to naturally sharpen them. If certain areas of the legs appear too thin. Here is my result after using the clone stamp tool, and then the brush around the legs.


Step 3. Now I want to add back some natural lumination that would have been on the legs. Make your paint brush the softened brush size 9, like in this picture. Create a new layer, and paint in the middle of the legs.

Step 4. Now, take the the new layer that you painted over the legs in white with (shown above). Go to Filter, Blur, Gaussian Blur and set it to 4.2. After that, set the layer to Softlight 100%.

Your resuts should look like this:


Step 5. Now for the easier text removal. This time we're going to take the lasso tool to replace the rolling stone text with white.

If you click and hold the lasso tool, you'll have three different options. You can use the Lasso Tool, the Polygonal Lasso Tool, or Magnetic Lasso tool. Whichever one heplps you select the areas around Lauren and Audirna's heads, that's up to you to do. Here was my result before I painted white over their heads.

Step 6. Now create a new layer. With your image still selected, fill the layer with white using the paint bucket tool. Now diselect the image, go to filter/blur, and select "blur". Repeat. This should be your result.


Step 7. So finally we've got all of the text removed that we want removed. This is where the tricky part begins. Create a new layer. Hold down Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E. This will copy the whole image as if you have just flattened the image. Now completely select Lauren using the lasso tool again. Now copy it (Ctrl + C) and paste her somewhere behind Audrina to where it almost looks like Lauren's hand is over Audrina's Shoulder. It looks messy now, but we're going to clean it up in just a minute. Something similar to this should be your result.

Step 8. Make the erase tool size 8, and slowly but efficiently erase around the edges to make Lauren blend in with the image. Go ahead and erase Whitney's arm, because we'll use the liquify tool to make Lauren's waist look real and not barbie sized. After you finish with that, take a white brush and paint over everything other than your pasted Lauren and Audrina. Here was my result. (I also used the clone stamp tool to re"add" the bottom of her slip and her legs to the image without Whitney's hand there)

Here was my result:

Step 9. Finally, I'm going to correct Lauren's Waist. First, I used the liquify tool to drag out her stomach. After that, I used the clone stamp tool to correct whatever was left.

And you're done! This should be your result!

I hope you all learned a lot from this tutorial. Ask for the PSD if you want it.

And if you have any other questions ask me :)

Have a great day!

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