blake told me he would pay to get all of his freckles removed if he was ballin. i wouldnt....

May 18, 2007 12:38

cause their my only hope for a tan.

ahhh i really need a j-o-b. i went & donated some applications to some book stores in tallahassee. i decided that working in an environment filled with books, magazines, drinks, & people might be orgasmic. i am so excited that i did not have to wake up this morning to attend class because my professor is probably jacking off to law books today instead of teaching us about the supreme court, and im completely fine with that.

im sunburnt. the sun just loves places freckles on my body and then changing me to the pink power ranger. it adds character. and makes clothing irritating. speaking of clothing, oh what i do for some new threads. mannnnnnn probably some serious death row shit. drinking & smoking at all the pool yesterday left me too exhausted to get ready and go out last night. pathatic, i know.

hopefully the weekend will bring me comfort. ive been some what bored with my life. my hiccups havent been appearing as much as normal, and that probably means im not meeting my laughter quota- which is THUNDER BOLT & LIGHTNING VERY VERY frightening.

i hope to make a new video for the real world casting site this weekend. one that actually involves more effort than sitting in front of my webcam for a couple minutes. it needs to be awesome if i want to increase my expectations from slim to none up to mediocre.

orange gatorade is a girls best friend.


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