Apr 26, 2008 23:56
having alot of stress because of all the upcoming changes. took it out on my poor house. cleaned the living room, dining room, kitchen and did 3 loads of laundry. i really wish some of the other people in my house would help more often. erg, frustrated. i spent my work out time cleaning up this house. and to top it off, i ate 3 fricking candy bars. i really need to get better control of my emotional eating. i am going to have to be selfish tomorrow about work out time. we have so many things we need to do tomorrow, cut the grass, do laundry, clean my room, sort stuff for moving, organize my daughters room, and theres is more i am sure, but it is late and i dont remember.
i am a member in another comm. one for preemies. while i dont have a preemie in the hosp, i am raising one. i read a sad story that made me cry and pissed me off. i thought i was doing ok with all of the issues of raising a preemie, but the fear and anxiety and all the other emotions are still very close to the surface. i feel so bad for these new moms, they are in such a scary place. i need to go and take my benedryl and unwind.....good night!