Разговор с другом

Aug 20, 2008 14:37

me: wazzup?
Sashka: not much, working here
me: i c
Sashka: can't wait for day to be over
me: and then what?
Sashka: gym
then I got to ask Mashka...don't remember, maybe more furniture shopping...
me: i hate furniture shopping
Sashka: yeah, tell me about it
me: nado budet vas k nam vydernut' in some near future
Sashka: we've been doing for so long we can't stand it but we need something specific :(
nado :)
I agree :)
me: cool
next week sometime?
Sashka: can't do wed or thursday, that I know for sure :)
:) damn I'm always busy :((( what a hell :(
me: well, check with missis ;-)
Sashka: can't do monday brothers Bday
me: or just give me her e-mail
we will inform you of our decision
Sashka: xxx@xxx.net
me: cool
Sashka: :)))
you know that would be the best, cause she'll just kick my ass and make me go :)
me: rofl, this goes into my blog
Sashka: not in a sense I don't want to go, she'll just tell me to cancle something :)
me: rofl, this goes into my blog too
Sashka: oh shut up :)


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