Another less than finished log

Nov 25, 2006 16:20

In which Exorcists are brats.

Allen: *Wandering through the hallways of headquarters along a path that leads, indirectly and in a very roundabout way, to Kanda's room, worried about the state of the disturbed golems now that they are headbandless*

Rabi: *after being rudely awakened and having been forcefully and rather painfully removed from Kanda's room, he'd wandered to the lounge and taken up residence on one of the couches, where he sat staring tiredly at the floor as he absently fingered the newly reacquired headband around his neck*

Allen: *Passing the lounge, he hesitates for a moment before slipping inside, looking for all the world like it was what he'd intended from the beginning--worried about the golems or not, he still wasn't sure he wanted to just show up at Kanda's--before noticing Rabi on the couch, at once surprised to see him there and more than a little angry at the reason for the current state of the golems*

Rabi: *too tired and distracted to notice Allen, he sighs, frowning down at the bit of cloth he’d hastily wrapped around his arm as he’d walked down the hall. The wounds still stung, and while it probably would have been prudent to pay a visit to the medical department as soon as he’d left, he hadn’t particularly felt like explaining to the staff just where the marks came from, so he was determined to bear with it for a while longer, at least. Still, it was difficult to just ignore, and every once in a while his other hand wanders to tug at the makeshift bandage before he catches himself and forces it away.*

Allen: *Curious as to what Rabi's doing here, he peers around the couch, his eyes wandering from the bandages, not giving a thought to what could have caused them, to the headband, which he glowers at, announcing his presence slightly less than tactfully.* You needed that so desperately and you're not even wearing it?

Rabi: *startled, he looks toward Allen, subconsciously hiding his injured arm from the younger boy as he glares back at him almost defensively* …I am wearing it. And even if I wasn’t, there’s no way I’d let those damn things have it again. *he watches Allen warily, almost as if he was afraid the boy would try to take his hard-won prize away again*

Allen: Huh. *shrugs and steps around in front of the couch, leaning against the arm opposite Rabi, noting the bandages again with slightly more curiosity, but now unable to tell what might have caused the need for them* But it was that important you have the thing?

Rabi: *realizing how suspicious he likely looked, he shifted, trying to conceal his injuries in a way that would hopefully not draw more attention to them this time* Was it that important for them to have it? I promise, this is far more useful to me than to a couple of dysfunctional golems. *sleep-deprived and still bitter about his ordeal, Rabi didn’t even try to mask his irritation with the not-creatures, even though he knew how highly the other boy regarded them for reasons beyond his understanding*

Allen: You could have waited until they weren't in it! *Momentarily forgetting the bandages he'd been curious about only moments ago, he crosses his arms, still glowering at Rabi, incensed by the thought of the poor now-homeless golems and even more so by Rabi's lack of any sort of concern as to their well-being.* It sounds to me like they weren't "dysfunctional" until you stole that thing back.

Rabi: ‘s not stealing if it was mine in the first place… *mutters, then blinks up at the other boy, starting to realize just how angry he was with him, though the reason still baffled him* I did wait. Too long. What the hell does it matter? They’re just…*sighs and runs a hand through his hair, remembering how futile that particular argument was against Allen* Look, I’m pretty sure they’ll be just fine.

Allen: I still don't see why you needed it back that desperately. Kanda said he'd give it to you anyway right? So there was no reason to go disturb them--they're still not back to normal you know. *Still not willing to concede that the headband was indeed Rabi's and did probably belong with its rightful owner, he shakes his head and turns his glare to the floor* Not that you'd probably care, right?

Rabi: *exasperated* I can’t believe…both of you! All I did was take back something that was mine in the first place. From a couple of golems. They’re made of…okay, I don’t even know what they’re made of, but they’re made! *stands up angrily* And you act like I crippled your pet dog or something! *sighs again* You know what? Fine. I don’t care. Especially after what I had to go through for this…*feeling a little betrayed, and frustrated with Allen for being so unfair, he starts to move past the shorter boy, not feeling like putting up with scolding from someone about three years his junior, especially about something so ridiculous*

Allen: *not about to let Rabi get away, he moves to stand in front of the older boy, suddenly defensive* It doesn't matter how they exist--they were still happy when they had that thing, and now they won't calm down--and at the very least you could be concerned with how on earth we're supposed to use them for what they're made for in this state, since that seems to be all you consider them good for! *Growing louder as he continues, it isn't until he runs out of breath that he pauses, giving himself the opportunity to notice the now once again visible bandages, which he tilts his head at, curious but still vexed* What happened to you anyway?

Rabi: *scowls down at Allen and resists the temptation to just shove him out of the way and leave* Why don’t you ask Komui, he’s the one who made the stupid things. Yuu’s, at least. I don’t know what that lunatic master of yours was thinking when he made the other one. *moves his injured arm behind his back almost defensively* …why do you care? You probably think I deserved it, anyway.

Allen: There is nothing wrong with Tim! *frowns, trying to slip behind Rabi enough to see whatever it was the other was hiding from him* What, did the golems take revenge on you for discrediting their existence as anything more than little floaty tools who certainly don't need headbands?

Rabi: *steps away from Allen, still hiding his arm protectively* Like hell there isn’t! The thing’s a little monster! *glares at the other boy, not quite willing to let him know how close that was to the truth yet* And you’d like that, wouldn’t you?

Allen: It's only a monster when it gets disturbed, which is what it's supposed to do! *insistent, he moves closer again, now determined to find out what's being hidden from him* Now stop being like that and tell me what you managed to do to yourself!

Rabi: What I did to myself? *fed up, he steps away again and rips the cloth from his arm before holding it out between himself and Allen, too upset to notice that a few of the gashes had started bleeding again somewhere along the way* Does that look like something I did to myself?

Allen: *taken aback, he's stunned to silence for a moment, certainly not capable of making the connection that it was a golem that had caused such damage, almost forgetting his earlier anger* What....what did that?

Rabi: *doesn’t move and continues glaring darkly at Allen* Why don’t you take a guess?

Allen: No way.... *openly staring at Rabi's now-unbandaged arm, still not able to fathom the little golem doing so much destruction to someone who wasn't even an enemy, save for the attempt at headband retrieval*

Rabi: *holds the cloth against his arm again as he takes the opportunity that a stunned Allen presents to try and go around him to escape again wordlessly, not particularly interested in further discussing the rather humiliating cause of the wounds*

Allen: *snaps out of it when Rabi moves again, shifted to place himself firmly in front of the other* There's no way it could... *stifles a scoff and determines it a wise move not to further comment on how clearly this could have been avoided if Rabi would have just let them have the headband, now genuinely concerned if still slightly angry* It really did that much?

Rabi: *frowns at being intercepted once again, but sighs and looks away, his anger mostly died down by now and replaced with a defeated resignation, though he remained silent, still reluctant to specifically admit to how completely he’d lost to the golem*

Allen: *speaking more to himself now than to the injured Rabi, while continuing to gape at the golem-inflicted wounds* I can't believe it'd do that though... And they look pretty bad too...

Rabi: *grimaces* Fine, you can go ahead thinking that thing’s a little golden angel if you want. Completely harmless. And don’t concern yourself with me, I’m just fine. Peachy, in fact. *his tone had become almost hurt, and he continued to avoid Allen’s gaze as much as possible, wondering how much longer the boy was going to press him, and also when he’d start ridiculing him for suffering so much damage from a tiny golem*

Allen: Don't be stupid! *pauses, chewing on his lip and continuing to stare at the mess that was Rabi's arm, far less annoyed upon seeing how much damage had actually been done by his supposed little helpless golem* ...I'm really should know better even if you did take its nest away. It must be...I wonder if it's because of Pochi, huh?

Rabi: *covers his bloody arm up better almost a little self-consciously against Allen’s staring* Gee, you think? That’s why I’m saying the thing’s dysfunctional! Don’t really wanna know what other excuses you’re gonna try to find for it… *blinks, frowning* …Po…what?

Allen: It's not dysfunctional! It' just really liked the thing and it was probably trying to protect--- *blinks, almost startled as he realizes something he most certainly should not have given away* Erm. of Kanda's you know? The little round golem it's all interested in now. Right. But it still shouldn't have done that much....

Rabi: *stares blankly at Allen, slowly starting to understand what he was trying to tell him*’ve got to be kidding me. That’s just about the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Golems don’t…they can’t…*sighs, feeling ridiculous for even trying to explain what seemed like common sense to Allen* It’s just…*pauses, suddenly remembering something else that was somewhere in the younger boy’s explanation* …It has a name.

Allen: I didn't...I'm not saw them didn't you!? All curled up in that's no wonder it made such a big deal when you stole it back. And it doesn't.... *clearly distressed at having accidentally mentioned something he definitely should not have, his attempt to ignore Rabi's conclusion borders on desperate* So obviously they can....or something... I don't understand it either!

Rabi: *not about to let Allen squirm out of telling him what he so obviously did not want to, and not particularly interested in what he had to say about golems’ ability for affection, or in discussing the events of the previous night, he stares straight back at the shorter boy insistently* So, what, did you harass him into naming his, too?

Allen: *scoffs, albeit nervously, fidgeting slightly where he stands* That's ridiculous... As if Kanda would be convinced to name something like a should know that better than me even.

Rabi: …Well, of course I didn’t think he’d ever in a million years listen to anything you said…but then I didn’t think he’d be on your side in all this nonsense either. *looks away thoughtfully, momentarily distracted from being upset with Allen* ...but that means he already named it on his own…maybe before you ever even showed up…

Allen: *Still not looking at Rabi, though sounding a little more indignant now* Obviously I wouldn't know anything about that. It's not like we sit around and chat about golem care or something. *snorts, finally looking up* And he might not listen to me, but I don't particularly see your opinion high on his list either.

Rabi: *frowns a bit at Allen's insinuation that hit just a little too close to home, then shakes his head* Che. What list? Forget it. It doesn't matter, anyway. Just further proof that you're both out of your minds, really. *sighs and steps away from Allen, sinking back onto the couch to try to wrap his arm up again a little clumsily*

Allen: Well don't be grouping me with you said it's not like he'd listen to me either. There's nobody at all on that list. *not having intended actually to say anything so potentially mean, he rolls his eyes and sighs, wondering if he's finally managed to distract Rabi from the idea of Pochi* Will you at least let me fix those so they actually function as bandages?

Rabi: Like I said, what list? *mutters and glowers at the tattered cloth that now barely covered the wounds on his arm that were obviously in need of much more proper treatment, but still doesn’t acknowledge Allen’s offer, too distracted with dwelling on Kanda and the ridiculousness of golems and other similarly frustrating trains of thought*

Allen: *deciding that waiting for an answer had become overrated, he steps forward and unwinds what's left of the cloth from Rabi's arm, turning it over in his hands in some attempt to figure out how it could be made to successfully bandage anything* Like I said, there's no one on that list. Kanda probably doesn't even have a list. I've certainly never seen anything from him that would suggest it except-- *cuts himself off before mentioning the golems again, certain that's not what the situation needs* Well, not a person anyway.

Rabi: Hey…! *blinks up at Allen, but doesn’t try to stop him from taking the cloth* …I know all that. As much as I wish… *stops and shakes his head* Ah, never mind. I know it’s just stupid, anyway. *pushes himself off the couch again and makes yet another attempt to move around Allen towards the door*

Allen: *bites his lip, still focusing on the bandage in his hand, which he'd finally managed to form into something almost substantial enough to function, caught up in it enough not to notice when Rabi stood* Hey wait--! You know it doesn't do any good for me to fix it if you just run off. *shrugs and goes back to playing with the cloth in his hands* If he were to have a list... You'd be higher than me anyway. *scoffs quietly* Not that it matters to me or anything, but... Stand still and let me finish this before you run off, huh?

Rabi: *stops again for a moment, still not looking at Allen, but much less inclined to be upset with the boy by now, especially with his pseudo-encouragement* …I think…I should just go get something better…I haven’t taken care of it at all yet, and I’d never forgive that stupid golem if this leaves a scar…*doesn’t mention that he’s unlikely to forgive Tim any time soon in any case*

Allen: *nods and goes back to wringing the material in his hands* It does look pretty bad... And this is not exactly prime bandage material either. *realizes what he's done and holds the cloth up to Rabi almost sheepishly, thought it's more than likely the other exorcist wouldn't care about having it back* Um, I really am...sorry about that... Headband or not I wouldn't think Tim would...attack someone like that. It really must be because of--er, Kanda's golem.

Rabi: “Pochi,” is it? I can’t imagine how the hell you found that out in the first place. *shrugs and takes the cloth* Not like I haven’t had worse, y’know. It’s just that I expect it from the Akuma. This…is really just kind of pathetic. *sighs, dreading the inevitable questions that he was bound to be bombarded with from the rest of the order for the next week or so*

Allen: *conveniently ignores the mention of Pochi's name and instead nods at the other remark* I'm sure you can come up with something? Not like I'm going to go around talking about my rabid golem, and if we aren't on Kanda's list of people to entertain the opinions of I'm certain we're not on his list of people to gossip about either, right?

Rabi: *snorts at the thought of Kanda even speaking to anyone long enough to do anything resembling gossip* I’d suggest you get a muzzle for it, but I really have no idea how that would even work. *covers his arm again and looks towards the door* If I can get what I need from the medics without actually having to deal with any of them, I might make it through this without the whole order knowing what happened.

Allen: I'm....pretty sure it would find a way to eat it...actually. *steps back, intending to let Rabi leave and then thinks better of it and continues* Um, anyway if you go during the day they're usually busy with more pressing things anyway...*smiles, albeit small and sheepishly* You learn things like that when certain people cut your arm open for insinuating things about their interest in your golem and you don't want Komui to find out.

Rabi: Hm. I bet. Should be able to get in and out without anybody noticing, anyway… *stands still thoughtfully for a moment longer, then looks over to Allen, all evidence of his earlier irritation with the boy gone by now* Hey, come with me.

Allen: *blinks, looking directly up at Rabi for what seems like the first time in the entire conversation, surprised* Yeah? I mean sure, if you want me to... *Has somehow forgotten his annoyance with Rabi over golem treatment as well* After all if these attempts at bandaging were any sign, it's probably best I don't let you do it yourself again...

Rabi: *shrugs off the comment on his previous incompetence* Hey, it’s hard to do with just one arm, y’know? And if I’m gonna get anyone to help get this taken care of without having to explain things to more people, you’re pretty much the only option…

Allen: Trust me, I know that much.... *laughs* And I see how it is, put up with me just because you don't want anyone else to know you got beaten up by a golem...

Rabi: *grimaces* Ugh, can we not put it like that? *finally smirks a little* What can I say, I’m a practical guy. But seriously, it’s not just that.

Allen: *snorts* Well I guess you did win.....sort of.... I mean you got the headband back right? Just think of this as...*laughs again, unable to continue with a straight face* I dunno, battle scars?

So, I didn't expect that to get as bad as it did. Which begs the question, what happens when Rabi has a legitimate reason to be mad at Allen? :D;
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