
Jul 08, 2010 23:26

Shamelessly stolen from coconutandmetal .

This is the permissions list for OOC (out of character), activity.
Answer the following questions with YES or NO, as well as additional information if desired.

✖ Backtagging:
Absolutely. Everyone has lives. I have no problem with threads that last days, even weeks if that's how it works out.
✖ Threadhopping:
Absolutely - if a thread is private, it'll be marked as such. Otherwise, butt in at will.
✖ Canon puncture:
Generally not, but if you *really* want your character to do it, get in touch with me and we'll talk it over.
✖ Violent content:
In general, sure. I'm okay with putting Pepper in dangerous situations and potentially having her get hurt, but if you want to do something seriously dark, get in touch with me so we can talk it out.
✖ Sexual content:
I'm fine with it. I'm well over the age of eighteen, and smut can be fun to play, when it comes about in an organic way, and aids in character and/or plot development. But we'll definitely have to talk it out first, and I'm not here for cybering.
✖ Offensive subjects (elaborate):
I'm pretty laid-back, and I enjoy putting my muses through the wringer, physically and emotionally. Rape and sexual violence, however, are a no-no for me.

This is the permissions list for IC (in-character), activity.
Answer the following questions with YES or NO, as well as additional information if desired. With IC permissions, it's a good idea to elaborate on what other players can expect from your character if they choose to do any of the following:

✖ Friendly affection (touching, hugging, etc):
Is fine, though Pepper is not very physically affectionate in general. If she's not really comfortable with you (and sometimes even if she is), she won't initiate often, and she may react in a negative way if someone else does it.
✖ Flirting:
She can flirt with the best of them, but be warned - she is very sarcastic, and if she's not interested you may get a tongue-lashing of the first order.
✖ Kissing:
Sure, if they get to that point. Again, she's not very physically affectionate, even with lovers.
✖ Fighting:
Pepper doesn't seek out fights, and she's not exactly physically imposing, but be warned: if you attack her, expect a visit from Tony Stark, and expect him to open up a can of whoop-ass.
✖ Injury:
Absolutely Pepper is open for various injuries. If you want to do something more serious than bruises and minor lacerations, please get into contact with me. I'm happy to talk things out and I love a little injury-related angst.
✖ Death:
I have no immediate plans to kill Pepper, but nothing's impossible I guess. If you've got a really great idea, let me know.
✖ Telepathy:
Pepper is an open book as far as mind-reading goes - she has no powers of her own, nor does she have any shields to block others from doing so. If you want to take it any further than that, however - like, say, mind control - let me know so we can work something out.

If anyone has any other questions or suggestions, feel free to get in touch with me. I don't bite, promise. :)

permissions, ooc

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