- Available: Not by any definition of the word.
- Age: 34
- Annoyance: Being interrupted when I'm trying to work.
- Animals: Koalas, and sloths.
- Birthday: September 8.
- Best Friend(s): Not many outside of work. There's Keri and Holly, they were roommates of mine in college. We go out for drinks now and again. Otherwise, Tony, Rhodey, Happy, etc. make up the bulk of my friendly acquiantances.
- Blind or Deaf: I assume this is one of those hypothetical "which of these terrible things would you choose, if you were forced to" questions. In which case, I think I would choose to be deaf.
- Candy: Chocolate truffles. I also enjoy Whoppers on occasion.
- Color: Blue.
- Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate. The darker, the better.
- Chinese or Mexican: Chinese.
- Cake or pie: Usually pie.
- Continent to visit: Europe is my favorite, but for continent I would like to visit but haven't yet, Africa. I want to visit Egypt someday.
- Cheese: I love a good brie.
- College: Undergrad: UCLA. Graduate: Stanford.
- Camping: I'm not the outdoorsy type.
- Day or night: Day.
- Dancing in the rain: I suppose the image is nice and romantic, but in reality I'm sure it's just awkward and cold and wet.
- Eyes: Blue.
- Everyone’s got: Problems. Secrets. Neuroses.
- First thought waking up: I need coffee.
- Food: Cheesecake.
- Greatest Fear: Losing control.
- Goals: Increase Stark Industries' profit margin and market share next fiscal year.
- Get along with your parents: I did, but my parents are now deceased.
- Hair Color: The shade commonly referred to as "strawberry blonde".
- Happy: In general, yes.
- Holiday: Saint Patrick's Day.
- Ice Cream flavor: Butter pecan.
- Jewelry: I almost always wear a watch, and a pair of diamond stud earrings. That's it, though. On special occasions I have a necklace or two that I wear.
- Job: Chief Executive Officer, Stark Industries Ltd.
- Kickboxing or Karate: I don't do either, but in terms of aesthetic value, I prefer Karate.
- Keep a journal: Uh, when I was thirteen.
- Knoxville: ?
- Love: Isn't all it's cracked up to be.
- Letter: E.
- Laughed so hard you cried: Yesterday JARVIS told me my skirt was very fetching. You had to be there.
- Milk flavor: Plain.
- Movies: I think I was in college the last time I actually sat down and watched a movie.
- McD’s or BK: Neither? Ugh.
- Number: 2.
- One wish: I don't advertise that.
- Perfect Pizza: I was born and raised in Chicago, but I prefer New York pizza.
- Pepsi or Cola: Coke.
- Pudding: Butterscotch.
- Piercing: Just my ears.
- Quiet: A precious rarity.
- Reason to cry: Tony almost dying, again.
- Reality TV: Do 24-hour news channels count as "reality TV"? That's the only TV I watch.
- Ring size: 5.
- Song: "Hey Jude", the Beatles.
- Salad Dressing: Raspberry vinaigrette.
- Sushi: Yes please.
- Skinny dipped: No.
- Sing in the shower: ...Maybe, sometimes.
- Strawberries or Blueberries: Heh. I love blueberries, I'm allergic to strawberries.
- Tattoos: None.
- Time for bed: Whenever I realize I won't be able to get any more work done for the day.
- Team(s): I don't really follow sports. When I was in college, I did go to a few Bruins basketball games, though.
Someone forgot U.
- Vacation spot(s): ...Venice.
- Weakness: Shoes.
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: I don't think any of my friends are very like me. I don't think I would like someone with a similar personality to mine. I thought that was true of most people.
- Worst Feeling: Not knowing what's going on.
- Want to be a model: No thanks.
- Worst Weather: Windy and cold.
- X-rays: What about them?
- Year it is now: 2010
- Yankees: Don't really follow sports.
- Zoo animals: ...Koalas and sloths.