[Audio, locked from hostiles]

Mar 04, 2009 21:36

Come one come all!

Announcing the opening of Auditions for the Tetha Theater troupes next great endeavor!

This May we will be performing "A Midsummer Nights dream" by William Shakespeare, and we'll be needing lots of help!

Actors, techies, artists, musicians...if you have a talent odds are we can use it!

In co-ordination with the play we will be having a royal feast each night so we're going to need some skilled chefs willing to help out.

The Feast itself will be entirely period clothing for the actors, service staff and anyone involved, and while not required you're all encouraged to speak or come in period fashion if you like. It's a little difficult so we won't put you in the stocks if you refuse.

...probably. ;)

There will be a small show taking place during the feast as well with various roles to fulfill so there's plenty of opportunity to be seen and heard!

Please contact me as soon as you can if your interested.

[Locked to members of the TTT]

Hey again guys, I meant to get started with this. You were all such a big help with the last show I hope you're excited for this one.

A note to be had is that we've been given an offer. Depending on how much we can bring in from this production we may be able to purchase the rights to use the Tetha Theater House as our base of operations. This would mean we'd be able to take more of the money we make during our shows and put them back into the production. Better costumes, bigger set pieces, and the rights to more exclusive shows!

I hope I can count on all your support in this and I want to thank you again.
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