Aug 08, 2003 18:59
If any of you want to feel better about the stress in your life, then you should read this. I see that most of you are complaining about the stress in your life and that you're the most stressful person right now. This should make you feel better. Time is coming close to November. Only three months until my first daughter is born. Now you tell me how you are more stressful than that. If you don't have a kid, then you can't complain. Dale and I can barely afford ANYTHING. We can barely afford to even SEE each other. Consider yourself lucky if your significant other lives within a 50 mile radius for Christ's sake. We have to spend about 300 dollars just to get us to each other. Not to mention the added cost of rental cars, hotels, and whatnot. We can barely even do that now, we have a child to think about. I want more than anything to take a cruise for my birthday. The guilt of spending money on something like that is just to much to handle when I think about what Cadence might be missing out on if I spend that money.
Not only that, it's extremely risky for me to eat or drink anything in Mexico. You all know the rule about water in Mexico. I'm not even supposed to eat seafood. I mean, I can't even go to any clubs because of the cigarette smoke. You don't remember what it's like to get out? Don't feel sorry for yourself, feel sorry for me. And Dale.
Soon enough, we'll have an extra mouth to feed and an extra person to stress over for the rest of our lives. Not for the next 18 years. A child is a lifetime commitment. So please, tell me how your life is more stressful than ours. I would REALLY LOVE TO HEAR IT.