Jun 25, 2003 22:41
According to some site on Amanda's LJ, this is what people are like that are born on September 27:
very understanding
knows how to make an impression
active fighter for social cause
moody and capricious lover
honest and tolerant partner
precise sense of judgment
And this is what people are supposed to be like if they were born on May 18:
Of unusual beauty
does not want to impress
well-developed sense of justice
a born diplomat
but irritate and sensitive in company
often due to a lack of self-confidence
acts sometimes superior
feels not understood loves only once
has difficulties in finding a partner
So if these are correct, this should form an idea of what our child should be like. Hehe. Can't wait to see the responses to that one. As for my rant...my mom is being a bitch. As usual. She throws a hissy fit today because I wouldn't let her use my laptop. It's been acting funny lately and I hadn't gotten the chance to fix it, so I told her I didn't want anyone on it. So know what she does? She throws her glasses across the kitchen and storms out. So I promptly took my computer back into my room because it's obviously causing to many problems. This is after she yells at me in the bathroom when I'm trying to help her texturize the walls. I left then, also. I really want out of this house, but unfortunately that's damn near impossible. I don't know how much more I can stand. Then about 20 minutes ago, she tells me I need more respect for her. Just because I tried getting online earlier. She said I interrupted her phone call three times. None of them were intentional, I told her all this. I didn't even know she was on the phone and then she yells at me to have respect when my brother's been doing it for the past year. He's always telling her to shutup and other non-respectful comments.
I'm truly sick of it.
Not only that, I feel like I'm losing all my friends. I haven't seen most of them, and honestly, I'm tired of making an effort. This is how I lose most of my friends. I put forth more effort than I feel necessary, and they just fade away as I start slacking off because I feel it's no longer worth it.
I'm growing up so fast... I'm only 18 and I'll be a mother when I'm 19. I'm depressed here living at home, but it's far better conditions than in California. I miss Dale like nothing else, usually the slightest thought of him makes me cry. I really wish things were better.
Now off to do the dishwasher.