Things I am thankful for

Dec 05, 2002 00:39

1. Two awesome parents who are still together and still alive.
2. Cody, who I'm proud to call my brother.
3. A person who loves me unconditionally and is willing to put up with me for the rest of my life.
4. A best friend who deals with my shit along with his and never stops caring.
5. Two legs that can walk on their own.
6. All ten fingers and toes.
7. The ability to experience all five senses and then some.
8. Heating during this freakin' cold season...
9. A roof that's always above my head.
10. Great friends.
11. A cancer free, STD free, illness free, and obese free body.
12. A Father that loves me no matter how much I screw up.
13. A car.
14. A place to call home.
15. Food in my stomach.
16. Money in the bank. (Even tho it might not be much)

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