Mar 01, 2006 08:55

Date: 1 March, 2000
Day: Wednesday
Time: Noonish
Location: Weasely Wizard Wheezes

Err... That doesn't sound quite right... I suddenly have a vision of You-Know-Who all covered in green paint and a black dress... ::shudder:: Let's not go there. I've seen too many of those Muggle films lately. Maybe it's time to think about dating a witch again... But I digress.

He's dead! Vol... err... Voldie... ARGH!! YOU-KNOW-WHO is DEAD! WOOHOO!! Fred and I spent an hour or so dancing around the flat in celebration. Harry, Hermione and ickle-Wonniekins (although I suppose we can't call him that anymore) are still in St. Mungos, where they should be! After a fight like that, I'd want to stay in bed for at LEAST a month. Too bad I have a business to co-run.

Oh... that reminds me... Today's Ron's birthday. Fred and I should really do something special, considering that he's spending it in the hospital. Mum must be COMPLETELY freaked out about that... Perhaps we should send him a toilet seat... for old times sake... No... that doesn't have the same flair it used to. We'll have to think some more.

::sigh:: Have to get back to work... We have a big End-of-the-War sale we've been planning for just this kind of occasion. I don't know about anyone else, but I feel the need for a good laugh right about now.
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