We don't fuck around in this city.

Feb 22, 2008 11:43

Today I finally left the distracting confines of my apartment to try and take advantage of public library wireless. While I have gotten some work done, the real excitement was getting into a fight with "Angry Man". He came in and sat down directly across from me, plugged in his laptop and opened up the screen knocking it against mine and then getting upset that I was taking up too much of the table that I was sitting at before him. I'm not exactly sure how it went, but I ended up calling him a dick and an asshole. He claimed it was his right to be as such because it was a public library. I'm sure I could have handled the situation a little more delicately but he was all up in my grill right off the bat so I felt that it was necessary to show I wasn't gonna take his guff. After Angry Man offered to "take it outside" and I said yes,he made no move for the exit so I got back to work. He worked for ten minutes, most likely fuming because I was ignoring him completely after our altercation, so he loudly shoved his belongings in his bag and left saying several times "I hope you have a heart attack fat boy." There were other bits of verbal abuse but sadly I had my headphones on and missed them, so I just laughed as he left. The other guy sitting at the table seemed to be on my side (what with all his smirking and laughing at Angry Man) and agree that Angry Man had his panties in a twist.

I love New York.
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