This time from kamerasutra .

Jun 04, 2005 18:55

1. Do you ever answer questions with, "I'm from Alaska," in a funny voice?
I'm sure I have, though no particular occasion sticks out in my mind. I occasionally try to convince people that I live in an igloo and other such nonsense, but I never manage to keep it going for very long.

2. All of your comments on my lj seem... confused. Why is that?
You seem to have changed by leaps and bounds since I graduated. I have a hard time recognizing the Vanessa I used to know in some of the entries you make about boys, drugs, sex, and drama. People stay in my mind as very clearly defined constructs as I remember them with my own naive bias, so when they do something that doesn't fit what I feel like they should be, it confuses/upsets me. It's a silly habit I can't seem to get rid of.

3. How has your life changed since entering college?
The advent of being in a relationship was quite amazing, I'm more comfortable with myself and generally speaking less depressed. Since I've been in college, and especially in this last year, I have come to conclude that I have a great love for getting ridiculously high and eating until I'm sick. Other than that, I think I'd be pretty recognizable as Zach from before.

4. What does your hair look like now?
I began freshman year with a buzz cut. After about two and a half weeks I recruited a few of my new friends to fashion me a bihawk which I then attempted to bleach. That stayed for all of freshman year, the summer, and the first semester of sophomore year. On the day I was to leave for school at the tail end of Christmas break, I shaved my 10-12 inch bihawk at five in the morning. Since then I have been growing my hair out. Now it is a three and a half inch afro-ish thing that I plan on soon cornrowing regularly (once I get the money), and/or turning into dreadlocks.

5. If you could change something about your past, what would it be?
I would make myself physically fit and athletic.

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
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