A little story I guess...

Nov 23, 2006 04:15

There was once a fire. Fire had a friend called Rock. Now Rock had a very special friend named Jewel. Fire thought Jewel was pretty the way she shined, especially near him, and Fire wanted Jewel to be his special friend. But he didn't know Jewel was Rock's special friend and felt bad about that so Fire backed off and let Rock be happy. Soon Fire and Rock were buddies and everything was good.

Now during this time, he met Lightning. Lightning was kinda cool, and though he though lightning was a kid at first, they became buds too. Fire wanted to teach Rock and Lightning how to make fireworks especially Rock. Lightning was flashy and he knew it so Fire didn't worry too much about him, but Rock...poor Rock, he didn't have much confidence in himself. Sometimes Fire wondered why he didn't cuz Rock was so cool. Sometimes, it even looked like Rock didn't think Jewel liked him, though Jewel reminded him that he was Jewel's special friend and that made Rock happy. So Fire wanted to make Rock happy too and teach him how to make things sparkle in Jewel's name, just so he can show her that he, too, can shine like she did.

While this went on, Air, an old acquaintance, popped out. Though they hardly spoke, they came from the same place and Fire regained the hope to meet his old friend, Light, too. He missed his friend, Light. He was very special to him cuz they were best buds. And though he had Rock, Lightning, Jewel, and Air, he needed his Light. He made Fire stronger inside...

Well, he kept thinking about all this and kept on chugging to make the fireworks happen. But Lightning seemed more interested in Air as of late because Lightning and Air have more things in common then Lightning and Fire did but Fire understood and was glad Lightning made a friend too because it could maybe be a special friend.

Fire didn't have a special friend. He wanted one a lot, but they just didn't seem to work for him. Flower disappeared, Jewel had rock, and both Stars just didn't seem to be interested. Well, Fire finally met this girl named Dynatmite and man. Was she da Bomb or what? Fire argued with her a lot but it seemed Fire and Dynamite just seemed to be on the same wavelength. Fire was excited and asked Rock if he thought Dynamite would like him.

Now Rock hated Dynamite at times cuz Dynamite would make him explode into a million pieces and so, Rock told Fire that Dynamite prolly wouldn't like him much. Fire became sad and realized how unlucky he really was. Though
flashy, too much of him could burn things down. Rock was plain but he was able to make Jewel his special friend. Fire explained to Rock how lucky he was in his own words and that when they have little pebbles, Fire would have to take care of the laundry for them.

Now somehow, during this, Fire made Jewel mad, unknown to him. And then Rock got mad at Fire for getting Jewel all upset and said it was because Fire mentioned pebbles and that maybe Jewel didn't want them, and Reno wasn't sure why this made her mad, but...it hurt him a lot. So Fire walked away, all by himself. Fire figured it was better this way anyway. Too much of Fire could maybe melt Rock away, and Fire didn't want that. Jewel would be real sad without Rock.

Air and Lightning didn't need Fire because they had each other.

That's okay.

Jewel and Rock didn't need Fire because they had each other.

That's okay.

Fire could be alone. But Fire knew he couldn't last long without someone to help him stay aflame. But it was okay. Because he was just going to be happy and carefree and flicker into the night as long as he could, before he dimmed away completely.

There were no need for fireworks anymore.

(OOC: I know a lot of this happened in the chat but I hope you guys don't mind if I included it here, too. :O I just didn't want to let this go.)
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