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|| Character Information ||
Fandom: Castle
Name: Alexis Rodgers
Canon Point: Season three finale
Is this character dead? No
A short history Personality:
Above all, Alexis Rodgers is pragmatic. She has to be, considering the family she grew up with. Her father is a writer and sometime womanizer. Her grandmother is an actress and singer. Her mother... Well, her mother's a bit of a special case. She divorced Alexis' father while Alexis was still young and now lives in California, far from the rest of the family in New York City. Irresponsible and prone to take Alexis on shopping trips and lavish her with expensive gifts, her mother has been known to pull Alexis from school just to have a day of fun. While a good many teenagers wouldn't find a problem with this, Alexis' down-to-earth nature tends to come to the forefront then and she'll protest -- but ultimately go along with it all, because it makes her mother happy.
She's not quite as prone to the flights of fancy that her father or grandmother are. She decided long ago that it was a good thing someone in her household knows how plan ahead. After all, her father is the one that duct-taped himself to a chair and called it research. That doesn't mean that Alexis can't be imaginative or can't think outside the box, so to speak. She's smart: Smartest one in the family, her father says. She's flattered by it, but she knows all too well that she's only smart in different ways.
Not to say she isn't brilliant. Alexis is more book-smart than street-smart, but with her father involved in the NYPD and her cultivating a relationship with Detective Beckett, she's learned more about human motives and foibles than she really ever wanted to know. Her high grades in school are a result of hard work and natural intelligence; her understanding of the human mind and human motivations come from her father.
Alexis values hard work and responsibility. She's honest to a fault; honest to a point where she's tearfully confessed the grievous sin of jumping the turnstyle to get on the subway. Her father seems to be waiting for the day she'll rebel -- perhaps even waiting eagerly.
While pragmatic, that's not to say that Alexis doesn't care for or empathize with people. Even when surrounded by murder and murder stories, she is capable of and often does empathize with victims and their families. Even when she doesn't know a person, she'll feel for them, as evidenced in canon when one of her favorite singers was killed. Alexis felt that sharply and deeply and insisted on being involved in the investigation.
Alexis possesses a sharp wit -- inherited from her father, most likely -- but it's rarely condescending. If anything, she can be somewhat self-deprecating. She's a technology buff, and loves to keep up with current trends. In sort, Alexis is a responsible and hard-working young woman. Even when faced with situations she cannot fathom completely, she moves forward with a pragmatism that should be, perhaps, envied.
She is, however, a teenage girl and embodies some the of the stereotypical mood swings and over-reaction that some are prone toward. She can jump to conclusions too quickly and takes things too personally. She's been known to snap at her father over what amounts to an imagined slight. She'll yell if she's angry, cry if she's upset, and smile when she's happy -- and sometimes she'll go through them all in one sitting.
When Alexis loves someone, she'll do anything for them. It's gotten her into trouble here and again, especially in her dealings with Ashley, her boyfriend. She rearranges her schedule to be with him and give him her time. She'll give up on her own dreams to pursue something she thinks will make someone she loves happy. Whether it's her dad, grandmother, or Ashley, she'll put her own wants and needs aside to take care of them first. She sometimes has to be pushed into making decisions on her own behalf and for her own good. In short, she's a very generous person and willing to give more than she has sometimes in order to benefit the people she loves.
Alexis is mostly even-keeled, save for bouts of emotional outburts when she's stressed, loving and optimistic. She'll find the good things in people before she'll find flaws. Her glass is usually half-full, though a sometimes crippling low self-confidence will give her pause. If someone believes in her, though, she'll give everything she has before she lets them down.
Skills | Powers:
Alexis is practical and intelligent. She learns quickly and is a resourceful young woman. In canon, she is her father's sounding board, helping him to figure out nuances in the cases he brings home. Honest to a fault and with a strong sense of right and wrong, Alexis is just about as no-nonsense as they come and it serves her well in difficult situations. She is an accomplished fencer and could probably learn a light sword, if she was so inclined.
On the flip side, Alexis is completely normal. Her combat experience is almost none at all; fencing and lazer-tag are as close to a battlefield as she has ever been. She has no experience beyond what her father brings home in his books and on his cases with violence. In her world, the supernatural is a fairy tale and if she can't see it or touch it, it doesn't exist.
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