Crazy diet update--Day 4

Mar 06, 2010 16:58

First off, my apologies for it taking until Day 4 for me to update again. The last two days have been crazy busy and I spent all my free time yesterday (as I had none on Thursday) at the gym (yeah, I joined a gym, too) and then I went to a movie.

Ok, so Day 2:
Breakfast: Oatmeal with soy milk. I got the vanilla flavored because it was the cold one. The non-flavored ones weren't refrigerated and I don't know what the protocol on that is, so I went with the cold one. It's ok. Makes the oatmeal kind of sweet on it's own, so that was ok. I have yet to put soy milk in anything else though because I'm not sure how the vanilla would work. Unless it was like cookies. Mmm. Cookies:)
Lunch: Leftover sweet potato, carrot, pear and lentil soup.
Snack: Cut up veggies and hummus (thank God this is Israel and the stuff is ubiquitous and cheap).
Dinner: Leftover rice and beans. This meal convinced me never to make this again.

Day 3:
Breakfast: Oatmeal with soy milk. I'm really starting to enjoy it now.
Lunch: Made a rice dish with coconut milk, curry powder, and steamed broccoli and carrots.
Snack: Pear and veggies and hummus.
Dinner: Leftover rice from lunch.

Day 4:
Breakfast: Oatmeal with soy milk. I don't know what else to eat for breakfast, so I'll probably have this until I can add wheat or dairy back into my diet. I'd love to eat a little yogurt now and again.
Lunch: Made a huge pot of the soup from Day 1. It's so good, plus it has the lentils for some protein and substance. And it'll be good for taking to school. LOTS of leftover.
Dinner: Maybe lentils and rice? Maybe leftover soup? I haven't decided.

Challenges: I'm having a hard time staying full. I'll eat until I'm full and then I'm hungry again 2 hours later or something. I think this is because my protein intake is so low and the carbs are digested so quickly.

I bought some tofu yesterday, but I really have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to cooking it. I'd like to try a Thai stir fry with green beans, tofu, and pepper curry paste (which is the only one I have right now, though I could probably get some red curry paste). Also, I know these (the curry pastes) have shrimp bits in I don't know if I can eat them in good conscience. But I have these rice noodles I want to eat and...I love Thai curry, so, I'm debating. But if ya'll have some good tofu ideas, I'm all ears:) Oh! and I bought mushrooms. Now, I'm not wild about mushrooms unless they're in a sauce chopped up very small or in a soup or something, but I think they'll be good on the diet, so again, ideas?

Last night, at the movie, someone walked by with this gigantic bucket of popcorn and I was all salivating and hungry and I thought for the briefest of moments of cheating and buying an equally huge bucket and scarfing it, far I have resisted the cheating. However, walking home from the movie, my head began to ache, and last night I had my first "on the diet" migraine. I was pretty bummed about it because I'm going to all this work to not have them. I have two theories: I was mildly dehydrated or it's related to my hormones and menstrual cycle. Both of these things have been implicated in the past and are common extra-food triggers, but I was still bummed.

Ok, so hopefully you'll hear from me again tomorrow because I DON'T HAVE CLASS ON MONDAY!!!! Yes...that sounds very nice. :)

diet, migraines

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