And now for something completely different.

Apr 24, 2006 16:09

Ahh, Real Life things.

. . .

Strange, there isn't as much to say about real life as there is about vampire dreams. Oh well.

Thursday night and last night have really been the pinnacles of my week, since I spent them with people.
Real ones.

Thursday night was spent at Shawn's, where there was much cake, Jerry Seinfeld and completely harmless innuendos. That being said, Allison (who was also there, as well as my Nicole) now thinks there is something between Shawn and I. Yay for being convincingly flirty! I didn't know I had that power. We bought ice cream cake. Mmm. It was also then established that I am a whore. How? Beats me, but apparently I am one. Meh!

Friday night, Hell froze over. No, I didn't listen to the Eagles. I was included. By a group of people I haven't really spoken to in two years. Jill Sinclair, fresh out of her first year of criminology at STU, showed up at my doorstep with an invitation to go birthday clubbing this Saturday with her and Alex (since it will be their birthdays on the 29th, and mine has just passed). I must say, I'm still pretty pissed that they left me out over Christmas (at least two parties and get-togethers and this) after saying, "Ohh, we should do something sometime!"

But yeah. I think I'm going to go anyway. I do miss those guys sometimes, and ooh!! I'd get to meet Alex Lynch's boyfriend!!! His name is Billy, apparently. He's from the ci-ty. It will be interesting to see what kinds of boys Alex dates. I guess this means the Kyla/Alex children plan is officially out the window. I don't know whether to feel relieved or saddened.

Saturday, work work work. Laze.

Sunday, work work work, almost kill customers. Leave. Laze. Talk to Shawn. It appeared that Shawn, being Mummy-less for the week, had run out of edible substances. Thus he was invited over (and Martine, too, because, well, Ellen said so) and he won the game of Steak, which perhaps Caroline knows of but no one else. After Steaking my house up, we sat around and innuendoed ourselves into unconsciousness and came up with Context Lenses.

Context Lenses: a device one wears over the eyes at times of uncertainty of possible misunderstanding over what someone has said. For example, if you hear a weird snippet of a conversation, you can put on the Context Lenses and get the full context of the conversation so that what you heard doesn't sound so weird anymore.

After that, with a noticeable lack of ice cream cake, we went to Greco for cinnastrips which were pulvarised by Ellen and Martine. Then we just sat around until I drove them home, half asleep. Not doing that again. My eyes were forced open. It was not pleasant. But the rest of the night was spiffy.

Today is wet.

I drove down to Sanford Fleming Park and got my photos. It was perfect -- all nice and foggy, very atmospheric. I finished my black and white roll, and then my colour roll wouldn't load properly so I threw it out and bought some more. Second one wouldn't load properly. You know how when you advance it, the winder is supposed to move too? It didn't, so I'm gonna have to get it fixed next week or something. Until then, I guess I'll be using my digital camera. I don't know where I can develop it, either. As far as I know, the NSCAD photo department isn't open for another few weeks and I don't know how expensive Carsand-Mosher is for developing. Eugh.

Anyway, I don't think I have anything else to say.

socialising, photogeek

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