Sep 14, 2009 15:20
Quickies: Yes, the arm-disease is improving daily. Yes, I love Japan.
As for a slightly more in depth update of the flesh eating thing. It seems that I am on the definite up and up. The patch of painful rotting flesh, which previously subsided into sleep-depriving itchiness, has now become little more than an irritating patch of dry skin. By the looks of it, there may not be very much scarring at all. I don't want to speak too soon on the whole scarring bit though because I haven't seen much sun lately since we've been underway so much. (Inside the skin of the ship is where you spend 22-24 hours a day). I might only spend half an hour a day outside and it isn't always sunny but the fresh skin blends in with the pale-Spainy at least.
Now as for the last two nights spent in Japan (mostly Tokyo, Shibuya, and Rappongi which are all pretty much Tokyo). Refreshing doesn't even begin to describe how much relief being off the ship among non-navy people was. Revitalizing? Closer.
I will admit that Tokyo didn't quite meet the lofty place I had for it in my head but I still had a great time. My friends and I slummed around Shibuya in a touristy fashion, while doing our best to be respectful, and taking as many pictures as possible. We found that Japanese girls are more than happy to oblige being in the pictures with us (Yay!).
I also had a big ego boost when we got lost in the train system and through the small amount of Japanese I do know I fumbled my way through getting directions from this nice elderly man who spoke no english whatsoever. It did involve some pointing and repeating since I seemed to understand what he said more often than he could understand what I said(I guess my Japanese enunciation really is that bad...) but the end result was we got where we needed without anymore hick ups.
Highlights of the nights:
I danced for a good three hours, most of which was with a cute girl named Yoko and her friend Niho.
I ate some amazing and inexpensive Japanese Curry, a couple of times (this is a staple for me in Hawaii too but it was much better in Tokyo). Also a few beef bowls and miso. Sushi will be Tuesday.
I flavored the rainbow... The Chu - Hi rainbow that is. Chu-Hi is the most evil alcohol known to man(well, I haven't had the Spy's Demise yet...). At 8% Alc content chu-hi is almost double most American domestics however it tastes like sweetened carbonated juice. Very refreshing.
I met a girl named Yuko on one of the Trains who gave me her email and phone number. I think I will try to hang out with her on Tuesday.
There are pictures that correspond to sight seeing and more shenanigans but those will have to wait until I'm not on a govt pc.