Ana's Application

May 27, 2009 06:05

In-Character Information
Name (and age if applicable): Ana, seven years old.
Series: Wario Ware
Occupation (if applicable): Half of a ninja duo, ninja-in-training, student.


Ana is more like a ninja than many things that claim to be ninjas. Which makes perfect sense considering she is a ninja. Between her and her sister, Ana is the smarter and less naive of the two, or at least, that's the impression she tends to give others. Ana would rather avoid confrontation and find a way around a dangerous situation as opposed to facing it head-on, using her skills as a ninja to accomplish this.

Of course, Ana isn't without faults. While she's confident enough in her abilities as a ninja, she still is nowhere near as self-confident as her sister Kat. In fact, Ana is a rather timid girl, which is the main reason why she doesn't like to directly confront trouble on her own. But this aspect also causes her to get pushed around a lot, if she even has to be pushed at all. While she's not like this to people she just met, people she knows well, particularly Kat, have no problem getting her to go along with whatever they want.

But that's also because Ana is a rather kind, considerate girl. She's always willing to help her sister and friends whenever they need help, always without asking for compensation. Like her sister, Ana has a great respect for nature and the environment, though Ana is especially focused on plant-life. Still, she finds cute animals to be very adorable and she's usually rendered speechless for a moment before she snaps back to reality when first encountering a new animal.

A decendant of the Iga Ninja clan, Ana was raised on the ways of a ninja since the day she was born. Taking her lessons to heart, Ana grew up and focused on the stealthy aspects of being a ninja. By the time she hit Kindergarten, she was quite a capable ninja, as she and Kat served to protect the castle that is Diamond Dojo and the whole of Diamond City from harm, though they tend to handle the matters that are beyond the scope of the police, such as giant monster attacks, which tend to happen more often than one would think.

The first time they had to seriously defend Diamond Dojo, Ana ended up being captured and Kat had to rescue her. That event only helped to fuel her desire to leave direct confrontations to Kat, and by the time another 'attack' occurred it was Ana who brought an end to the attack, not by fighting off a monster but by finding a lost child that the attacking monster was looking for.

When she's not practicing or being called on to protect Diamond Dojo, Ana spends her days doing what a normal child would do with her life. She and Kat do go to school like normal children would, and in their free time they just hang out at home or go exploring.

What brings this person to Diamond City?:
Since she lives there, nothing really has to bring her to the city, but her desire to start posting on Livejournal is fueled mainly by curiosity and wanting to get in touch with all the new residents in town.

Misc. Notes:
Currently, the twins have just entered the first grade, but otherwise not much else is different. Though Ana finds that her favorite subjects are Math and Reading.

Ana can absorb information rather quickly for someone her age, so she can do math at a second grade level and reads at a level that's really hard to define.


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