Dear idiot Sphere,
Ya finally done with all your games this week? I'll tell ya, I sure don't like gettin' beat up by a psychotic version of one of my friends, then get overworked at med. Though it's not all bad. I finally got it to work. Fire. Yeah I can create fire. Pretty cool, huh? Knew that hammer was good for somethin' more than changin' shape. Sure be useful for whatever the dumb tree throws at us. Wonder what else it can do.
And I got scented markers. Smelly markers make everything better, yeah.
You're still a jerk, Fishbowl. This doesn't change anything.
[ note, the drawing smells like strawberries and licorice. he got smelly markers from lezard :D
also, the log between anti-kaza and rabbit hasn't finished but when does rabbit ever fully tell how bad something is, if at all bad? ]