I'm feeling kinda down, both physically and mentally.
Physically, because this damn throat infection/cold won't go away and my host family tries to push me to go see a doctor and take antibiotics when I don't want to. I'd rather just ride it out and drink tons of tea. They won't/don't understand that.
Mentally, because I haven't had a real hug since I put my mum on the train. I feel more deserted by the day. Okay, I'm not making much effort to bond with the host family, but that's because they freaking scare me (they yell at each other, I hate it when people do that) or Silvia, simply because she's constantly hanging out with Timothee or skyping her family or her fiancee.
Playing Evergrey doesn't help this problem, but I don't feel inclined to listen to anything else, except more depressing things. So I figured I'd stick with the half-way thing and just allow myself to wallow in self-pity for one more day.
tootsiemuppet, I actually had a strange dream about you. I'm not going to elaborate,but I'll just say this: WTF!
That is all.