Ever since the word got out about Ollie and Dinah’s engagement people have been peppering me with questions. What do I think? Is it going to last? Is Ollie serious. Sometimes I can’t tell if they really want the truth or if they want me to verify how they already feel. Usually, I don’t really give them an answer. I say I trust Dinah’s judgment and that she knows what she’s getting into. But, those are pat answers. And I know it.
So what’s the truth?
Well, a certain blonde haired lady who kicks much ass told me that the truth starts with what you know.
I know that Ollie loves Dinah. He really does. He loved her every time he cheated on her and let her down. He’s a lady killer. He likes the female persuasion. It’s like kryptonite to Clark. I inherited a big chunk of that from him, I suppose you’d say. But, there’s a big difference between me and him: my family will not get hurt because of who I screw. I learned that lesson from Jade.
I know that Dinah loved Ollie. Past tense. I know that she was moving on with her life, with a new team and a kid. I know that out of nowhere she suddenly has feelings for Ollie again. Maybe Babs is right and was the scare of raising Sin alone. But, Sin’s gone and Dinah’s still my old man.
I know that Ollie means. I also know that he has bad track record of letting folks down. I know that he’ll do it again and that the break up is going to be ugly. I know Dinah won’t see it coming. I know she’ll be left in tears.
I know should warn her, but honestly Babs beat me to it, and I heard it was ugly.
I know I’ll smile and grin and go to the funeral. Cause for all purposes she’s my mom and he’s my dad.
And I know that when it all goes to hell I’ll be there for them. And that’s the truth.