Feb 12, 2007 18:34
I’m graduating in May! I’m quite excited about this, not because I want to get out of Mary Wash, because I’ve truly enjoyed my time here, but because I think I’m finally ready to move out into the real world, get a job, and become domestic. Or just because its time for me to move on (and stop writing so many papers!). That being said, I have A LOT of papers to write this semester. I registered for three novel-based classes, two film-based classes, and three classes that require me to write a 15 to 20 page paper, two of which I will be presenting at the William Kemp Symposium, and at least one of which I will submit for publication. Obviously I am not taking 8 classes, just four academic ones, but they’re all English classes. Egad! So far though, I’ve been reading ahead like crazy so when paper-writing time comes I won’t want to kill myself. Or just die in an act of God. Apparently, I am the only in all of my classes who is taking several heavy course loads that is doing this, which surprises me. And, I suppose this relates back to last semester, when people in my 17th Century British Lit class (with Dr. Kennedy!) would wait until I came in to ask me about our assignment, when it was due and what we were supposed to do, because “Mary-Carolyn has it together. She always knows what’s going on and she just rocks at life.” I couldn’t believe people were talking about me because I used to always be the one who asked other people what the crap was going on. I don’t know when the switch from crazy out of control person to someone who is on top of things, but now I can say that I really can hold things together, and this makes me think I can survive in the “real world” - a comforting thought indeed.
Also, I got the bookstore to open up for me. I truly am a rock star. ;o)
Oh, and one of the papers I submitted to the writing contest was entitled "I Like Big Butts..."