
May 02, 2005 10:56

Kelly, I got this Fish and Wildlife form in the mail...do I have to fill that out and mail it? I got it because of my fishing license...

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kitcatk8 May 2 2005, 19:27:41 UTC
Good question.

I'd have to see the form, but I'm thinking not.


redhead24 May 2 2005, 21:03:10 UTC
by the way,
what would my darling like to do for her birthday? I have some ideas but would like to know some specific things you want.
Example: type of cake
number of people
number of presents
food (I could make, or buy)....


kitcatk8 May 2 2005, 21:19:02 UTC
Aw, Muffin. You shouldn't have. XD

Hrrmmm...Well, first we'd have to set a date...Since I'm doing the whole 21-run on the Saturday after my birthday, the 21st, it'd probably be good to celebrate something GAHHHHH! :::freaks out as Coke is spilled on the keyboard::: ...

Crisis averted...Anyway.

--celebrate late evening/early afternoon, like 5:00-7:00. Brett will be at Roosters which closes at 10:00, and my sisters wanted to show up there, so maybe if we set up a meeting time with people there at...oh...8:00...? Eat food, open presents first, then Roosters (or maybe we could even eat dinner there?...I dunno), then other bars (if I'm not already dead). But! I have already decreed and told my brother, sisters, and Brett that there will be SISSY DRINKS ONLY. Fruity and yummy, please. I will do one or two shots...but after seeing everyone else's 21-runs, I am determined to enjoy mine...Not dread it. XD ( ... )


kitcatk8 May 2 2005, 21:19:55 UTC
errr...late afternoon/early evening... >.


redhead24 May 3 2005, 06:27:41 UTC
alright, sounds good.


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