The Kittens Are Caught! Now what?

Aug 02, 2009 11:35

Well, last night, we put the humane trap out for Callie and Shadow. Within about an hour, Shadow was in the trap. It took Callie almost two hours further, but we now have them both. They're a lot less "intractible" than I had originally thought, and may only need a week or so of fostering before they're adoptable. I have to "fast-track" thir socialization because, bluntly, we can't keep them. We're already one over the lease limit (of 2 cats), and while three is hidable, five is more complicated. Also, Riley really poorly handled having Minnie in the house (and we, frankly, misjudged her effect on him). Adding two more kittens, especially feral-borns, would be likely unbearable. He can barely tolerate the current level of chaos that Minnie alone creates. (I grant that, in my dreams, Minnie would take them on, and they her, and leave Riley and Sasquatch alone for once; but that's only a dream, and I have no intention of doing that kind of test on Riley at his age)

We're going to try to find a local foster setup, but I'm less than hopeful. I've been calling around all morning, only to be told variations of "no room at this inn." The closest I came to was a fellow who told me that, if they're already fully socialized and presentable, he can take them; otherwise, call the pound.

That's the bad news; the good news is that my comments regarding Callie and Shadow's socialization are based on me sitting with them, one at a time, each in my arms. Shadow was a lot more, um, energatic at first, but quickly calmed down and accepted petting. By the time I put him back in the crate, he was actually sitting in my lap without more restaint than a gentle hand on his shoulders (no pressure applied). He even let me check to see if he was, in fact, a "he." First glance, it does appear that he is "packing," so he's apparently a him, all right. When it came time to put him back in the crate, he actually hesitated, and not with the idea of taking off. He genuinely seemed to have liked the attention!

Callie was in just about every way different from Shadow. Whereas Shadow struggled mightily at first, Callie was docile from the beginning. Granted, I could tell (mostly from the hissing and spitting) that she wasn't exactly giddy with joy at being manhandled by the 100x-her-weight two-leg, but as soon as I dug her out of the kitty litter (she and Shadow were both holed up in the litter pan), she accepted it with a great deal of calm. She was a little more "ready" to get back in the crate, but she didn't just take off for it once I put her down, and, unlike Shadow, she didn't immediately head for the back of the crate.

I will have photos up later, if things don't go to plan, and we still have them around this evening. I am bathed in happy right about now.

Oh, and if anyone reading this is interested in fostering/adopting Callie and/or Shadow, keep in mind that I am willing to transport to just about anywhere in the state, and to pay for a large bag of food (about a month's worth) each kitten, spaying, vaccination, and any necessary vet bills. Just sayin'. :-,
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