Dec 26, 2004 16:09
I had a tea party with my stuffed animals today. Actually it was a hot-chocolate-and-marzipan party, but let's not get picky. I haven't really played with my stuffed animals for several years, but before that I was obsessed with them. Each one had a name, family, history, and personality. (Yes. I was a very lonely little girl.) Anyway, today I realized I really don't have nearly the capacity for pretending that I had when I was that age, which is kind of distressing. The point of the tea party was to play pretend again and try to develop some personalities for my newer stuffed animals, because I was trying to create characters for a puppet show, and to do that you have to kind of play around with your characters for a while, let them interact with each other and with you. When I was younger and I wanted to be a cartoonist, every time I wanted to start a new comic I would just draw the characters over and over again, letting them talk to each other and make up their own world. So because I wanted to create puppet characters, I was trying to do roughly the same thing. (I'm really trying not to make myself sound crazy here.) Of course, the stuffed animals themselves aren't actual puppets, but that's irrelevant. Most puppet characters have several different, uh, bodies, so the stuffed animals were more like prototypes of their character. Anyway, the tea party didn't work out quite like I thought- the hot chocolate was nasty, for one, and truth be told, it was more me shamelessly rambling about my own ideas for the show than letting my animals, uh, speak for themselves. Heh.
Now I have shared that with you. Aren't you happy?
Mom and Dad and I are leaving for Ohio the day after tomorrow to visit my mom's side of the family and to take me to a New Year's party in Indiana. So since I won't be here for New Year's, I'm gonna post my New Year's resolutions now instead.
1. Stop. Eating. So. Much. Crap. Not original, I'll warrant, but I'm due for a malnutrition-related disease any day now. I've been living on peanut butter fudge and hot chocolate for the past month or so, I swear.
2. Watch as little television as possible. Pretty easy, considering Dad doesn't let us turn it on when he's in the house, so I have to wait till he's gone to bed anyway.
3. Work on my skillz. Any and all of them. Music, drawing, writing, whatever. I need to DO something.
4. Not fall into a long, crush-induced depression when Mikele goes back to Spain.
5. Write more letters.
6. Become less shy but also quit worrying about being so shy.
7. Learn to make shoes.
8. And puppets.
9. Do more homeschooling.
10. Learn some Italian. (Shouldn't be that hard, since I hear it all the time at work now.)
11. Somehow learn not to spend money as soon as I get it. I WILL have that laptop someday, dammit.
12. Be outside more often.
13. Get in shape. I want to know that, if a pack of rabid schnauzers was chasing me through the park one day, I would be able to run for my life without passing out in a wheezing, panting, exhausted heap before I reached shelter.
14. Have an awesome Midsummer party and invite lots of people.
15. Learn to be more patient. Or less temperamental. Or something to that effect.
Okay, that's all for now. I'm sure I'll think of more later.
Happy New Year!