Mar 29, 2005 16:34
So. Guess who forgot to post yesterday? Mmhmm. NARF. That's who. He's buying his way back into the bet too, but I still get a nifty five bucks from him and Pants, which makes a nifty ten bucks, which is pretty nifty. I could buy, like, some juggling balls with that. Or something.
Anyway. In case you haven't noticed, I'm back from Blogger. It was just gettin' kinda lonely over there. I tried to tough it out, but I figure if I'm going to be posting every day for what may very well be the rest of my life, I might as well give in and do it where I want to.
Class was pretty spiffy today. We've been reading Animal Farm, and Sam just started spouting all this knowledge about all the relations between the animals' fictional revolution and the Communist revolution, which wouldn't have occured to me even if I knew anything about the Communist revolution, which I very much don't. Or didn't, until today. Anyway, it was all very interesting. We also made considerable progress in working on our short film for the talent show, progress which involved what may have looked to the uneducated (Andrea's) eye like seeing how many basketballs we could toss between us, but was in a fact a very well-thought-out, carefully-planned excercise in teamwork and group trust.
Nicole and Tiffany's little sister Aubrey came in to school today and hung out in the library while we were having class. She was very cute. I'm so extremely jealous of anyone who has little brothers or sisters, which is just about everyone in Kalona.
I've been very interested in animation lately. I set up a makeshift lightbox last night using a posable lamp and a clear plastic bin, and it was very handy. I wish I could draw better; everything I draw looks like a cartoon.