All Things Awesome Part Deux!

May 23, 2005 18:15

A while back like a real while back before me and Josh were going out we had this deal going, I would make him an awesome poster and he would make me an edible name tag for work. Needless to say I never got my name tag but he got one hell of a poster. (Which is not even half as good as this one). So I finally gave it to him and it got crumpled and stepped on by CJ in his car last summer. But he still hung it on his wall. I had a an ingenious idea to go and make him another one. One that was BIGGER, BETTER AND MUCH MORE AWESOME! And that I did. I can safely say its prolly one of my best creations to date. HA!! But for reals, where can you get John Stamos with his arm around a hand colored BoohBah with a caption that reads 'the best thing since sliced bread'...nowhere! So Beat that. The fringe tops the whole thing...its the worst fringe known to man. But alas, its not only twice the size but twice the awesome of the last one.

*Check out Youll laugh for hours...well I did anyway and so did a few others.*

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