A Real Update...?

May 03, 2005 22:07

No, I dont think so.

So let's see...hmm? Monday I definitely didnt wake up for work. Oops. I did today tho and that sucked. 9 hours of Copar 3 days a week. Not cool. Im so tired already and its the first day. I feel like Ive got nothing accomplished there. I made me, my mommy, my brother, and Josh dinner after work. It was quite possibly one of the best dinners on this planet. It was hasbrowns, scrambled eggs, wheat pancakes and wheat toast. Mmm it was soo good.

Yesterday me and Josh got in our first real fight. Splendid. I wont go into details cuz its over and done with now but it wasnt cool.

I bought my mom a present for Mothers Day yesterday. She told me not to buy her anything so I bought her a mini cactus, a hot wheels car, and some cotton balls. A fine present if you ask me.

Nothing else exciting is happening.

Im sleepy.

  1. What's on your bedside table?
    I don’t have a bedside table. My bedside table is the floor.

    2. What's the geekiest part of your music collection?
    Prolly Spice Girls even tho Im not afraid to admit I enjoyed them immensley.

    3. What do you eat when you raid the fridge at night?
    I don’t.

    4. What is your secret guaranteed weeping film?
    SLCPunk altho its not secret

    5. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?
    Id do lipo. I can obviously lose the weight by myself. Ive don’t it like 12 times already including this recent endeavor but lip would just be so much easier.

    6. Do you have a completely irrational fear?
    Im sure I do I just cant think right now

    7. What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments?

    8. Do you ever have to beg?
    No I always get what I want…now how blantant was that lie?

    9. Do you have too many love interests?
    Nope just one.

    10. Do you know anyone famous?

Im pretty famous

11. Describe your bed.
A twin sized piece of ass in the middle of my closet sized room but has kick ass sheets and the only time me and Josh fit comfortably on it was when we were intoxicated…go figure

12. Spontaneous or planned?

13. Who should play you in a movie about your life?

14. Do you know how to play poker?
Nope I have a weird inability I can never have anyone teach me I just don’t listen to them

15. What do you carry with you at all times?
Phone, I.D., Compact if not driving if driving my purse with everything in it

16. How do you drive?
At 6…my right hand is always on the wheel at 6 and then my left hand just sits there or takes over when righty needs to do something

17. What do you miss most about being little?
HA! Everything. My mom still paid for everything. I didn’t have bills, I didn’t get stressed out, Boys had cooties and love was my mom tucking me in at night.

18. Are you happy with your given name?

19. What color is your bedroom?
Purple and green and pink

20. What was the last song you were listening to?
Suburban Legends…the whole cd so whatever.

21. Have you ever been in a school play?
I was in a play when I was in preschool I was flower. JEALOUS!

22. Have you ever been in love?
Im in love right this minute.

23. Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?
I believe in myself that Ill get outta this craphole I like myself on occasion

25. Do you think you're cute?
Im fuckin adorable

26. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?
No Im pretty mean

01. What color are your walls? Ass we went thru this

02. What color is your bedspread/sheets? Right now the sheets are white with green polka dots

03. What color is your rug? Lots of colors

04. Any posters/bulletin boards/designs in your room? A couple band posters taken from the metro cuz that’s what you do…its nothing like it used to be.

05. Do you have a TV? Nope…I barely watch TV.

06. Do you have a phone? I have a cell phone its shitty
07. Do you have your own computer? Yes…got a bill to pay on that shit also.

08. Do you have a desk? Yes my parents bought it for me…its tiny but that’s cuz my room is a closet

09. What are your most treasured belongings in your room? Well I guess my puter, the monkey joshua gave me um…yea I dunno

10. What are your most favorite things in your room? YOU! OOOHHH!

11. Do you have any fancy lights in your room? In my cloest I have this crazy purple spiked thing

01. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Grumble at either the alarm or the person that woke me up

02. Anything unusual? I usually walk around naked for awhile

03. Do you pick out your clothes the night before school? Nope

04. Do you try your best to look cute for school? Def not this past year I went to school with chicks…I don’t need to look good for those hoes!…well excpet Julia.

// SCHOOL //
01. What color is your backpack? Its blue…its actually from Tony Soyak, signiture and all…HA…remember that kid. We corrupted him.

02. Do you try your best when it comes to school work? Yes. Cuz Im a nerd like that.

03. Do you listen or doodle? Depends on the lecture

04. BE QUIET - we all know you doodle, but what do you doodle? Your asshairs

05. Do you eat your cafeteria food, or go out? I bring my own lunch, its healthier

06. What do you do right when schools over? Usually hop on the El and go home to good ol Scurbank.

// HOME //
When you come home are you. . .
01. Miserable? Usually just tired

02. Happy? On occasion

03. Tired? Mostly

04. LEAVE ME ALONE? No that’s the morning routine

// OTHER //
01. Do you take walks around your neighborhood sometimes? I used to…I kinda did it yesterday

02. What are some hobbies of yours? Um…yea reading cuz im a dork

03. Do you collect anything? Butterflies I guess

04. What do you do in your spare time? I don’t have spare time really…I don’t know how to relax so I usually just sleep

01. What do you do before you go to bed? Wash up, brush teeth…the usual

02. Do you kiss your parents/guardians goodnight, or just say "goodnight"? depends we do both

03. What way do you sleep (ex: on your side, tummy, etc.)? on my tummy, arm curled under the pillow while hugging another pillow
04. Do you like your life? For the most part sometimes things get a little hectic

-------- Have You ---------
Smoked?: I was a smoker for a day
Been Drunk as hell?: Yes…but that was my brothers fault. I only get drunk ever 2.5 months…Im not the partier type
Shoplifted?: Sure
Lied?: Yes
Betrayed a friend? Maybe
Been to jail? No.
Smoked weed? Nope
Done LSD? Nah
Done any other illegal drug? Only the X…commence Rave Music…I lied I don’t do that.
Given oral sex? This is prohibited…what I do on my own time is my business ass
Received oral sex? See above
Screwed something not of the human race? Um yea no.
Screwed something not alive? Yuck
Cheated on someone? Nope
Used someone? No way
Paid someone for sex? People pay me for my sex…so hot
Been paid for sex? See above
Played strip poker? nope
Skipped school? Its funny cuz I havent…I don’t miss school im wierd
Skipped school to get high / drunk? nah
Danced naked? Yes.
Danced naked in public? Don’t think so
Flashed someone? Yes!
Mooned someone? prolly
Kissed someone? Of course
Kissed someone of the same sex? nah
Held hands? No see that’s forbidden
Hugged someone? FORBIDDEN!
French kissed? FORBIDDEN! Actually if you think about all sexual acts are disgusting…putting your tounge in someone else mouth…a penis inside a vagina…but its soooo hot.
Had sexual fantasies? Ass
Stolen money? Sure
Stolen money from family? Nope
Stolen drugs from family? My mom smokes crack rocks
Been convicted of a crime? Nope
Dated someone because you heard they were 'easy'? Nope
Had someone date you because they thought you were 'easy'? nope

Been called a whore? Yes
Been called a bitch? Yes
Watched porn? Yes…Ron Jeremy is so gross
Taped porn? No the porn was on CJs TV so ask him if he taped it
Watched porn you taped? I tape my own porn
Kissed someone in a moving vehicle? Yes
Screwed someone in a moving vehicle? Nah
Used sex 'toys'? nope
Tried to kill yourself? Nope
Tried to kill someone else? You
Told someone you hated them? Yup
Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? Nope.

1) If you killed a man, out of a fit of rage, what would you do with the body?
Make sweet sweet love to it

2) If you could be anyone for a week, who would it be?
A kitty

3) Who is the greatest fictional character.... EVER?
AssMonkies in Space

4) If you had to choose 3 people (who aren't related to politics) to die, who would you choose?

5) Whats the first thing you would do if you woke up omnipotent?
Whats that mean?

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