Mar 06, 2009 22:29
Been at T-Mobile 5 weeks now. Finished my first week of live calls so now I have an idea of what the work will be like. But not when it will be.
See we have to do shift bidding Monday, that's where we get a list of available schedule slots, then we each rate the shifts based on what our preferred shift is and then our second preferred and third and so on. We're sorted by our performance in the class so far and the best performers get their first pick and then the second best get theirs and so on. Unfortnately because we are bidding after the end of the entire facility's turn we get the crappiest list, and because the place is open until 2AM there are a lot of nightowl shifts.
Hoping I can get a 4 day, 10 hour shift, but also would like to get one that I'm off on Sunday so I can see Emily for at least a whole day out of the week.
Secondly: My Uncle is currently dying of asbestosis and is not likely to make it another year, in fact there is doubt about whether he will make it another few months. I'm trying to find time to go out to visit him but at a 5 hour drive away the best I can get so far is I drive out there, have dinner with him, chat a while, stay in a motel room, get breakfast, then go home and get ready to go to work the next day. Hoping I can squeeze a 3 day weekend out of my boss, fairly sure I can, but don't want to make any promises about it until I can be sure.
How is everyone else doing?