Oct 11, 2007 21:12
I was just reading this thing for old times sake, and found it quite amusing that a few entries back I was complaining about color balancing, and that I said I was going to print 20x30 for thesis. Well, it's thesis year, but I'm not quite up to 20x30, rather 20x24. When it's matted and framed though, it will hang roughly 30x34, so I think that counts.
And for the record, I don't have problems color balancing anymore.
I do, however, have a problem with there not being a 4x5 view camera for me to check out to take my next image and do my architecure project. I also have a problem finding a doll small enough to use that I actually Like for these set-ups.
So, if you have a 4x5 view camera or 3" dolls of any material, let me know I would love to rent.