Oct 28, 2005 14:58
By trial and error, last night Megan L. and I found out:
1. When carving a pumpkin, stick to the easy patterns... don't try those complicated designs unless you have a moderate knowlege of pumpkin carving.
2. You need to carve holes big enough to let AIR in to the candle.
3. THe stringy stuff inside the pumpkin is NOT used to make pumpkin pie (or anything else for that matter)
4. The hard part of the pumpkin, once the edge is cut off (and cooked with sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg) IS used to make pumpkin pie.
5. Pumpkin tea (or at least our version) tastes like licking the slime off an old piece of pumpkin pie.
6. Cooked pumpkn pulp looks like roast beef.
7. Pumpkin seeds are good but the outside begins to taste like wood after a bit and the inner seed is green but delicious but not salted like outside.
8. Megan's mom doesn't like the smell of pumpkins.
9. After last night and all our experimenting, i don't know if I like the smell of pumpkins.
10. I am going to become an organic farmer and chef and Megan and I are going to open a cafe thing. We will have spiced pumpkin fudge!
I don't have internet, that is why i don't ever update.
On the flip side. There was someone lurking outside my bedroom window the other night. Scared me. I hae a knife bigger than my arm, they better not come back (thinking of setting up bear trap outside of window).
Vicadin + headache = strange night the other night. Was unable to operate machinery in the morning.
Had a job interview in Muskegontown today. Don't know if I really want the job or not... Would love to work there, but pay is not promising and I was kind of ditzy with the interview. Might not even have a chance.
I <3 school. except printmaking. printmaking (esta una puta). They don't reccommend taking more than 3 studio classes a semester, but those are the only classes I have left to take and i need to take at least 4 to keep my loans. Maybe the lack of outside interfierance (sp...) is a good thing.
I found out that without stimulation my brain is turning to mush.