On June 29, Vicky Peláez, a progressive Peruvian reporter who had a Tuesday column in El Diario La Prensa (NYC), was arrested along her husband, Uruguayan photographer and professor Juan Jose Lázaro Sr., by the FBI under suspicion of espionage for Russia, along with several other people. Peláez's columns have appeared in Rebelión, at cubadebate.cu and other prestigious left publications. She is a defender of the Cuban and Venezuelan revolutions.
There appears to be FBI entrapment and, most strikingly, like the Rosenbergs, none of those arrested seem to have been in any position to have access to any secret information, military or otherwise. What were they spying on? For Peláez and Lázaro, "their pro-communist political views made them targets of the investigation."
Apparently they had been under surveillance for the better part of a decade. Why the arrests now? Could it be meant as leverage to prevent Russia from interfering with U.S. plans against Iran?
(Thanks to Berta Joubert-Ceci and Bill Cecil)
New York Times: Couples accused as spies were the suburbs personified FREE VICKY PELAEZ & JUAN JOSE LAZARO SR!