Anti-Imperialist Workshop at the US Social Forum

Jun 21, 2010 10:08

Thurs, June 24, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Westin Book Cadillac Hotel: WB1
Stopping War, Fighting for Our Jobs and Our Lives

Panel discussion with:
IAC - International Action Center
MECAWI - Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice in Detroit,
BAYAN - Philippine Coalition,
FIST - Fight Imperialism Stand Together youth organization,
SDS chapter in Minneapolis/St Paul,
May 1 Coalition for Immigrant and Worker Rights,
MAWO Movement Against War & Occupation in Vancouver, Canada
And a short video on linking the struggles.

The most severe economic crisis in three generations has broken out in the midst of two major U.S. occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan, threats on Pakistan, Iran and a new level of war against immigrants in Arizona and throughout the country. Symbolic anti-war marches are inadequate to challenging the U.S. war drive.

The panel will discuss:

1. How are expanding militarism, devastating cuts in social services and attacks on immigrants connected?

2. How can the anti-war movement combine with the struggle of workers, immigrants and communities to deal a material blow to the pro-war ruling class?

3. Can Marxists and anarchists form a united front of struggle that sacrifices neither combativeness nor a broad analysis of the needs of the working class and all oppressed people?

4. How can immigrants demanding full legalization and youth opposing cuts in education join in leading this movement?


Dear Friends,

We will be joining thousands of other activists in Detroit for the U.S. Social Forum from Tuesday, June 22 through Saturday, June 26 -- a week of workshops, education and networking. We are especially interested in meeting up with other revolutionary activists and militant community organizations.

The IAC is committed to determined activism and resistance to U.S. militarism, racism and corporate greed. We want to link international solidarity to fighting oppression in the U.S.

We are holding a panel discussion with several other militant anti-imperialist organizations. Come and meet us on Thursday, June 24 at 10 am at the Westin Book Cadillac Hotel, WB1, minutes from Cobo Hall.

Visit IAC activists at the literature table at Cobo Hall staffed every day of the USSF from 10 am to 10 pm. ‘Books to change the world.’ Many revolutionary titles, including all the books published by the IAC.

Also join us at a nightly Coffee/Cultural Open House from 7:30 pm to 10 pm at 5920 Second Ave (near Wayne State University) .

Along with the IAC Panel, here are a few suggestions of other panels and events that some of us are already planning to attend.


Tues, June 22:
3 to 5 pm - Woodward at Warren to Cobo Hall
Join us in the streets with signs, banners, chants and drums for the Opening March

Weds, June 23 - Day 2: Connecting Detroit and the U.S.

10 am to noon - Cobo 02-33
Fighting for a Moritorium on Foreclosures, Evictions and Utility Shut Offs

10 am to noon - Woodward Academy 1475
How to Create 30 Million Jobs - Panel with Bail Out the People Movement

1 pm to 3 pm - Woodward Academy 1437
Youth and Students to FREE Mumia Abu-Jamal - with International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal and youth group Fight Imperialism, Stand Together (FIST)

1 pm to 5:30 pm - Cobo 02-44
Capitalism Is Killing Us… Fight for Socialism - Panel in 2 parts with Workers World Party & FIST Fight Imperialism Stand Together

4 pm to 6 pm - Virgil H Carr Cultural Arts Center - Lower Gallery - 311 E. Grand River
ART Exhibit - “From My Altitude” by Antonio Guerrero - one of the Cuban 5 unjustly held in U.S. Prisons

Thurs, June 24 - Day 3: Connecting the U.S. and International Work

10 am to noon - Westin Book Cadillac Hotel, WB1 - CLOSE to Cobo Hall
Stopping War, Fighting for Our Jobs & Lives - Panel & Discussion with six resistance organizations (see description at beginning of this email).

1 pm to 3 pm - Cobo Hall Room W2-62
People’s Resistance Against Empire: A Global Forum on Mass Movements Fighting US Intervention & People’s Cultural Work as Weapons of Resistance with BAYAN USA and IBON North America

1 pm to 3 pm - Wayne Country Community College - Room 348
Prevent Sanctions and War on Iran - Panel and video on Economic and Political Realities inside Iran, and mischaracterizations in the Western-U.S. media with American Iranian Friendship Committee

Fri, June 25 - Day 4: Solutions, Alternatives and Visions

9:45 am MARCH on the BANKS - Gather at Woodward & Grand Circus Park --
with Moratorium NOW! and Farm Labor Organizing Committee

1 pm to 3 pm - Cobo D3-18
The Fight for Education Rights: March 4 and Beyond. A discussion with Students for a Democratic Society, FIST and students from across the country who participated in the March 4th national day of action.

3:30pm to 5:30pm -- WSU Student Center, Room 786
Palestine: Evolution of the Movement for Liberation - Panel with Al Awda NY - Palestine Right to Return Coalition, NYC Labor Against the War, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network

5:30 to 7:30 -- 5920 Second Ave (near Wayne State University)
Come meet FIST - Fight Imperialism, Stand Together youth group
Discussion and Free Dinner

Sat June 26 - Plans the next steps in the struggle

10 am to noon - Cobo 02-41
Meet Moritorium Now! and community organizations in Detroit and around the country who are linking the struggles and fighting for jobs, against foreclosures, evictions, war and racism.

See you in Detroit!
Check out the videos of the IAC Meeting on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla at:

Visit us at:

anti-war, revolution, iac, marxist, anarchist, anti-imperialist, unity

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