It's a long shot but...

Jan 06, 2009 16:54

If anyone is going to be up here in February and would like to attend - here is the information.  If a bunch of you all buy tickets - I can arrange to have you at one table.

HMISM The Four Season, Silver Oak Emperor of Holiday's, Hugz and Hello Kitty, Emperor 2008 Michael A. Giza and
HMISM The Phoenix Empress of White Fire and Diamonds, Empress 2008 Brandy Alexander

Invite you to join them in Connecticut for

Coronation 2009
Everyday is a HOLIDAY

February 13 - 15, 2009

Marriott - Hartford/Windsor
28 Day Hill Road
Windsor, Connectucut

Court Rate only $99.00 per night (plus tax)  Mention Group Code "Imperial Sovereign Court"
Parking is Complementary

Some of you have asked what HOLIDAY will we be celebrating?  The simple answer is ALL of them - anything from New Year's Eve to Arbor Day to Christmas. Come dressed as your favorite Holiday - Theme Dress is Encouraged!


Thursday 2/12/2009

Hospitality Opens
Come unwind with Michael & Brandy!

Friday 2/13/2008

10:30 am
Hospitality Re-Opens
Meet the members of our Court and those from around the circuit. 
Music will be taken for Out of Town Show

8:00 pm
Out of Town Show
Grand Ball Room
$15.00 (US Funds)
Reigning & Past Monarchs, ICPs & ICPRs, others as time allows

Hospitality Re-Opens at the conclusion of the Out of Town Show

Saturday 2/14/2008

Coronation 2009
Grand Ballroom
6:00 pm Doors open
7:00 pm Dinner
6:00 pm - 11:00 pm Silent Auction
6:00 pm - 12:00 am Cash Bar

$75.00 prior to 1/16/09
$85.00 after 1/16/09
U.S. Funds please

Hospitality Re-Opens one hour after the Coronation to welcome the new Heads of State

Sunday 2/15/2008

11:00 am - 2:00 pm  Victory Brunch includes full Continental Breakfast Buffet
$30.00 (US Funds)

2:00 pm Victory Party
Chez Est Cafe
Weathersfield Ave.
Hartford, CT

6:00 pm Tough Drag Competition
Chez Est Cafe
Weathersfield Ave.
Hartford, CT

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